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 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 18. 01. 2008. 16:06 
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Joined: 26. 04. 2006. 00:32
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Judas Priest - Metal Meltdown :D

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 20. 07. 2008. 11:38 

Joined: 18. 07. 2008. 08:07
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zz top-la grange
eric clapton-layla
dire straits-money for nothing
gary moore-still got the blues
led zeppellin-stairway to heaven
sodom-napalm in the morning
megadeath-a secret place

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 03. 09. 2008. 16:21 
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Joined: 22. 08. 2003. 17:16
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Blackened ... Metallica

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 04. 09. 2008. 00:58 
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Joined: 14. 11. 2006. 02:17
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Mutilator - Raise the strange !!!

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 06. 09. 2008. 20:07 
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Joined: 06. 05. 2006. 03:59
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Bonded_by_Blood wrote:
Mutilator - Raise the strange !!!

bravo jarane

DISMEMBER-dreaming in red

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 16. 09. 2008. 16:27 
Imal ista jace od ovog ba


odmah se najezim jbt

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 03. 10. 2008. 17:03 
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Joined: 02. 09. 2003. 17:08
Posts: 10631
The Conqueror uopste nije na albumu, seljak, nego je na Expurse of Sodomy-u, kao i Sodomy and Lust. :P

Opce je prihvaceno da su najbolje pjesme na Persecution Manii naslovna, Nuclear Winter, Conjuration, Enchanted Land i BOMBENHAGEL.

znaci sve osim Christ Passion. :mrgreen:

obrada se ne broji :P

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 03. 10. 2008. 17:10 
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Joined: 02. 09. 2003. 17:08
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il zato sto si skinuo isti sa bonusima a? :P

uopste ne zvuce nalik, ofirno se osjeti da su odvojena izdanja...

Electrocution i Christ Passion su mi smaracke. Christ Passion mi je kalup za onaj Sodom koji svi vole a ja mrzim. M16, Code Red, Tapping the Vein, Agent Orange Sodom.

gledajuci unatrag, Get what you Deserve i 'Till death do us Unite su jedini zaista dobri albumi Sodoma nakon Persecution Manie.

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 04. 10. 2008. 09:52 
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Joined: 02. 09. 2003. 17:08
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Ako ti je toliko drag, sto ga koje kite mjesas sa necim desetim?

Bombenhagel des puta bolja pjesma od obje :P

Tapping the Vein je mnogima jedan od najboljih Sodom albuma. Meni nije nista posebno, al jest definitivno bolji od zadnja dva. Bolji i od Agenta...

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 04. 10. 2008. 14:24 
hej seratoru ti si moron nad moronima.
debilcina nad debilcinama.

Agent orange ne valja??? A i vidio sam da si stavio za najbolju instrumentalu Golgothu (volim sodom al pretjerujes ga jbt) Christ Passion ne valja???

koji si ti konj jbt.
junac jedan.

tolko ides u krajnost govorit da Agent ne valja.

ti nisi true,ti nemas pojma...

il se furas na Chuck Norrisa il si debil.
drugog objasnjenja nema.

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 05. 10. 2008. 09:46 

Joined: 30. 09. 2007. 04:14
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haha debila

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 05. 12. 2008. 14:44 
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Joined: 02. 12. 2008. 16:44
Posts: 167
"Meni" neki dobri Guitar Intro-i :

Slayer - Hell Awaits
Slayer - Captor of Sin
Slayer - Black Magic
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer - 213
Exodus - Cajun Hell
Exodus - A Good Day to Die
Sodom - Autbrejk of Evil
Sodom - Sepulchral Voice
Sodom - Blasphemer
Sodom - Magic Dragon
Sodom - Remember The Fallen
Testament - The Legacy
Testament - Burnt Offerings
Testament - Alone In The Dark
Testament - Apocalyptic City
Destruction - Curse the Gods
Destruction - Reject Emotions
Anthrax - Armed And Dangerous

and more!! mrsko mi pisat ^^

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 29. 03. 2009. 02:23 
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Location: Oslo/Trondheim
Pantera - I'm Broken
Down - Stone The Crow
Black Sabbath - Paranoid

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 31. 03. 2009. 21:59 
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Mercyful Fate - A Corpse Without Soul

Ne mere jače :)

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 03. 04. 2009. 16:38 
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neki ovdje ne kontaju sta je guitar intro

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 04. 09. 2009. 00:41 
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Joined: 15. 08. 2009. 13:43
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Od Jude Makabejca Hellrider nemere bolje da boguješ

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 06. 09. 2009. 10:20 
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Meshuggah - Paralyzing Ignorance strava :D

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 25. 09. 2009. 15:46 
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Ghos of Navigator - Iron Maiden
Out of the silent planet - isto
And justice for all - Metallica

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 26. 09. 2009. 04:59 
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Joined: 17. 03. 2005. 15:28
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diamond head/metallica - am i evil... nije bas sami intro, al nakon uvodnih rif dionica onaj solo, pred "pravi pocetak" pjesme... nema dalje od onog...

 Post subject: Re: best guitar intro
PostPosted: 26. 09. 2009. 10:57 
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Joined: 23. 09. 2009. 12:17
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Location: Konjic/Mostar
Slayer - Raining Blood
Testament - The evil has landed
Metallica - Creeping Death

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