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PostPosted: 07. 04. 2005. 22:47 
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DR.NO wrote:
Eh,koliko ti je trbalo da skontash :?:

a zaboga, koliko je tebi trebalo da napises tu glupost?

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PostPosted: 07. 04. 2005. 22:52 
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Upravo tako:Jedna od prerada jeste The shining po Kingovoj noveli...Jeste neko... :twisted:

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PostPosted: 07. 04. 2005. 22:59 
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Jest, al ne mozes na osnovu ejdne prerade rec da mu je King bio inspiracija pogotv kad se radi o dvije razlicite profesije.
Da si rekla/o da je bilo koji drugi reziser bilo bi ok, al knjizevnik?!?Knjizevnici su najcesce insiracija scenaristama, eventualno reziseru mogu biti tu i tamo, al vjeruj mi, nemaju oni previse zajednickih tacaka.

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PostPosted: 07. 04. 2005. 23:01 
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Covjece...Hajde ne volim se prepirat,iako je sam covjek to rekao... :D

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PostPosted: 08. 04. 2005. 10:01 
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Kubrick kad je snimao,King se nije ni bio rodio,a insipiracija mu nije određena,jer je volio ruske reditelje i pisce npr.
uostalom,Kubrick je sam od sebe inspiracija,jel iko primjetio koliko ga danas kopiraju?Mislim na kadriranje specifično.

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PostPosted: 08. 04. 2005. 10:40 
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Pa zlato,nisam htjela uvriediti Kubricka...I sama jako volim njegove filmove,i imam poveliku kolekciju...Tako da mi je drago da jos uvijek ima ljudi sa tako da kazem izuzetnim smislom za filmove,a ne samo djecice kojoj su trecerazredni filmovi na prvom mjestu.

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PostPosted: 08. 04. 2005. 18:44 
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Znas, vecini djecice su danas omiljeni prvorazredni filmovi po budgetu iliti Holyywoodski, a za one "trecerazredne, niskobudzetne" evropske (jedno deset puta kvalitetnije ili cak americka nezavisna produkcija) koji se nalaze po festivalima nisu ni culi :P

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PostPosted: 08. 04. 2005. 20:09 
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Sve zavisi sta ti smatras pod trecerazredne ili prvorazredne filmove.Jer licno americki filmovi su definitivno losi.U potpunosti se slazem.Jako malo je kvalitetnih rezisera danas.Mislim na ona sranja tipa<Princezini dnevnici>ili sta vec :lol:

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PostPosted: 10. 04. 2005. 17:24 
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Kao sto ti rekoh, ima americka nezavisna produkcije i tu i tamo se desi jos koji dobar film.

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PostPosted: 22. 04. 2005. 18:10 
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Ma KUBRICK je legenda,SPARTAK,ISIJAVANJE,ODISEJA,POMORANDZA sve klasik do klasika...

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PostPosted: 01. 06. 2005. 12:55 
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Obožavam Kubricka. Filmovi su mu tako puknuti....

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PostPosted: 18. 06. 2005. 22:12 
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najveci problem je taj sto njegove filmove ne konta dosta raje,svi prate nasilje itd.ali poruku rijetko ko shvati,jer je vizuelna prejaka,zato mnogi i vele da su mu filmovi preambiciozni ili pretendenciozni
jednostavno prekomplikovan lik i tesko je svatiti njegov pogled na stvari

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PostPosted: 19. 06. 2005. 17:28 
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S obzirom da vidim da se ovaj post odnosi na mene moram ti odgovorit :P

Ja nisam osporila Stanleyev talenat, samim time nisam ni rekla da je los.Meni je tipova vizija svijeta apsolutno fantasticna i vrijedna svake hvale, da se razumijemo.Ipak, nije puno ljudi moglo napravit onakvu Odiseju i upakovati je u onakvu muziku koja je vise nego savrseno u skladu s desavanjima.Prema tome, total respect prema njemu.
Poenta je samo da ima kod njega nekad pretenzija da se napravi pametnim, drugacijim.O tome sam ti govorila.
Sto se nasilja tipca tipa Naradze, meni nikad nije smetalo ukoliko ima poruku, a taj film je sigurno ima.I to u vise slojeva ;)

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PostPosted: 28. 06. 2005. 21:43 

Last edited by [Ubu Noir] on 05. 08. 2006. 07:13, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: 28. 06. 2005. 23:22 
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Ako se pogledaju Kubirckovi fulmovi iz danjasnje perspektive filmske produkcije vidi se ociti kvalitet (i neosporivi) naspram danasnjice.
Kada se samo uzme Odiseja. Siguran sam da bi danas jedan Spielberg napravio od tog filma jednu "reklamu" koja bi trajala u vrh glave 15 minuta. Da ne pricam o redateljima koji prave gluposti sa kladama poput XXX itd.
Kubrick je bio nesto nenadmasivo, a s njim na vrhu trona stoji samo Orson Wells koji je ipak bio bolji u pozoristu i u samim zivotnim scenarijima.

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PostPosted: 29. 06. 2005. 18:59 
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wells je bio genij za scenarije ali kubrickova vizuelna strana je uber alles
a to sto se pravio pametan...a jebiga pametan je i bio,hvala bogu :p (zapravo bio je prefekcionista)
a sta bi mi i bez umnih filmadzija

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PostPosted: 05. 07. 2005. 15:01 
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slike iz vremena kad je bio fotograf... :D

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PostPosted: 05. 07. 2005. 15:45 
predobro....stvarno smo gamad.....

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PostPosted: 18. 07. 2005. 20:17 
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CBC Passionate Eye in the special "Darkside of the Moon" reports that Kubrick left America because he was afraid that the C.I.A. was going to kill him. He was the only person left who knew that fake footage of the moon walk had been shot.
Nasa gave Kubrick a special lens to shot Barry Lyndon, to keep Kubrick silent about the filming...

uuuuuuuu....kao ubila ga CIA,rece jedan lik na jednom forumu o njemu

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PostPosted: 18. 07. 2005. 20:23 
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I've been researching the Apollo program for the past two years. Here are a few things I learned on my own that seem to suggest Kubrick may have had some direct or indirect involvement in the Apollo presentations:

- According to researcher Bill Wood, NASA heavily subsidized Stanley Kubrick when he produced the movie "2001". Wood claims 2001 was used to develop the special effects needed to fake a lunar landing and its purpose, when it premiered in 1968, was to show the public what a real lunar landing was supposed to look like.

- Kubrick worked on 2001 with the help of NASA experts Fred Ordway and Harry Lange.

- Ordway had contacts within the aerospace community (including IBM, Honeywell, Boeing, General Dynamics, Grumman, Bell Telephone, and General Electric.) Many of these companies provided documentation and hardware prototypes free of charge in return for "product placements" in the film 2001.

- During a remastering of the film 2001, Senior NASA Apollo administrator George Mueller and astronaut Deke Slayton nicknamed "2001's" Borehamwood, England production facilities "NASA East" after seeing all of the hardware and documentation lying around the studio.

- Ken Adam, production designer on "Dr. Strangelove" and "Barry Lyndon", said he was not asked to work on 2001 because Kubrick had already worked for a year with experts from NASA and had done a lot of research; Adam said he would have been "too far behind." (Note: Ken Adam did production design for the 1971 movie "Diamonds are Forever" that includes a moonscape.)

- In Kubrick's movie "The Shining" there's a scene where the little boy is seen wearing a shirt with the word "Apollo" on the front.

- In Kubrick's movie "Eyes Wide Shut," the main character (and witness to an event) is told that it was "staged, a charade, fake" and he receives a warning to "stop asking questions." There is a theme of secrecy in that movie.

- One of the lines in Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" is as follows:

"Did you never consider the possibility that the whole thing might have been nothing more than a charade?"

- Kubrick wanted his movie "Eyes Wide Shut" released on the 30th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 (July 16, 1999) and the North American release of "Eyes Wide Shut" was July 16, 1999.

- Dustin Hoffman plays a character named Stanley in the movie "Wag the Dog." That movie is about a director who is called upon to do a secret film project for the government. In "Wag the Dog," the director wants -- but is told he cannot have -- "credit" for his work in the secret production. The character named Stanley might be a reference to Stanley Kubrick. The Stanley character in "Wag the Dog" completes a secret film project for the government.

- According to a reviewer, the movie "AI" (Artificial Intelligence), developed by Kubrick but directed by Spielberg, is a sci-fi rendition of Pinocchio with a few "out of place" references to the moon.

- There's a trip to the moon in Kubrick's 2001.

- The dialog in 2001 includes such things as "complete security," a "cover story," and "formal security oaths." In the movie, someone asks how long the "cover story" must be maintained.

- Kubrick's 1968 blockbuster "2001" proved that special effects technology certainly existed prior to the alleged 1969 moon landing.

- Actor Ed Bishop played the part of a Lunar shuttle captain in Kubrick's 1968 movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." Interestingly, Ed Bishop also played the part of Klaus Hergersheimer in the 1971 movie "Diamonds are Forever" (and his part was uncredited in that movie.) Ed Bishop is the actor who hands Sean Connery a dosimeter after Sean Connery (as James Bond) breaks into a secret facility in Nevada where fake moonwalking is being filmed. Some people believe Apollo moonwalking could have been filmed at the Nevada Test Site or inside a hangar at nearby Area 51.

- Douglas Trumbull, head of Trumball Film Effects, and creator of many of the effects for the film "2001: A Space Odyssey" also worked on CBS coverage of the Apollo 11 presentation. Trumball worked in Studio City, California for six weeks to prepare for the Apollo 11 broadcast. Trumbull developed a "graphic display projection system" that composed sentences, created moving diagrams, and simulated events for CBS television news coverage of the Apollo 11 mission. (Source: October 1969 issue of "American Cinematographer" magazine, page 984.) Trumbull's involvement in the Apollo broadcasts means that some of the same talent was involved in 2001 and Apollo.

- I sent an email message to Stanley's widow (Christiane Kubrick) on July 15, 2004. This was the question I asked Christiane:

"Did your husband know any of the Apollo astronauts?"

This was her reply (on July 16, 2004):

"I think he had some letters from two of them. I can not remember who it was."

- Christiane (his widow) claims Stanley had no involvement in the Apollo presentations.

još,još... :shock: :shock: :shock:

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