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 Post subject: Gideon
PostPosted: 21. 03. 2013. 01:24 
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Joined: 09. 04. 2006. 13:35
Posts: 3575
Location: Republika Zimbatwa
nisam odavno otvorio zasebnu temu za bend,ali ovaj je dosta intrigantan,posebno zato što su nas kontaktirali za koncerte nedavno + izašao je i frišak intervju..veoma zanimljiv (možda i više nego sam bend).
inače članovi Gideona su religiozni,tako oni ustvari tvrde i sama poruka iza benda je naravno religijske prirode.
evo šta kažu ukratko:

Why the name Gideon?
Our name comes from a character from the bible. And then there’s the Gideons in the United States who hand out free bibles and all the hotels you stay in there’s a bible that was placed there by the Gideons. It’s not necessarily an original name. The story behind Gideon is that he led an army of 300. He started out big but through things it got down to 300. Then he took on this huge army and wiped them out. He’s this warrior, we were like that guy is awesome and bad and we want to be a band like that.

I checked the Hebrew translation of ‘Gideon’ and it actually means ‘warrior’ or ‘destroyer’. Is there anything in today’s society that you would like to destroy?
When we started and we grew up in this scene, there were Christian bands that would preach and then they would get off the stage and say ‘we don’t want to hang out with these kids because they’re jerks, or they get into fights or they bring drugs to our shows’. I don’t think that’s being a Christian, I don’t think that is what Christ was after. If there was something I could destroy it would be that. This mentality that Christians are too good or we’re better than people. There is this whole negative connotation that Christians have brought upon themselves that we would love to destroy. There’s a lot of good things about Christianity, but there’s a lot of stuff that’s still wrong, like the church and people have messed up. There’s people that are doing what we would consider as being a true Christian, loving people and not judging people, just being real. It’s so easy to see these people who go to church every Sunday and are in this building and think they are protected and they don’t want the outside to get. They don’t want to be a part of that outside. That’s just totally screwed up and wrong.

In the bible, Gideon questions God on occasion. Do you question God sometimes?
There’s definitely time to question. Our motto is ‘seek truth’. Don’t take what we say, don’t take what anybody says and hold on to it. Question it and find out if it’s right, if it’s truth. Seek it. We fully support in questioning things.
All of us in the band have questioned, been through what ever, maybe Dan for his mom, others for relationships or family members. I thinks there have been times we have all questioned ‘what is purpose’, ‘what is life’ or ‘why is this happening’. It happens, you question it. ... ts-a-joke/

ono što meni prvo upada u oko je to da su za razliku od ostalih,religjski orijentisanih bendova veoma iznenađujuće open minded.
mišljenja sam,bez predrasude,da su religija i sama priča oko harkorpanka dvije poptuno dijametralne stvari jer činjenično:
-religija na vrlo direktan način manipuliše ljudima i uskraćuje pojedincu slobodu volje,napisana su striktna pravila kojih bi vjernik trebao/morao da se pridržava.
-harkorpank subkultura je esencijalno open-minded,nema nikakvih posebnih pravila i svakome je na volju kako će oblikovati svoj život nezavisno od "zajednice".

Gideon mi je nekako do sada najzanimljivije približio ove dvije veoma različite kategorije.
da se razumijemo,veoma su mi smetali hare krišna trendovi sa krajem '80tih i početka '90tih koji su bili sveprisutni u harkorpank subkulturi,ali u pitanju je bio samo trend (ispostaviće se iz ove perspektive) (da,harkorpank je pun trendova ;-) )

da zaključim,religija je i dalje sranje,naravno boga nema,ali je fino pročitati neke svježe ideje koje ne moraju nužno biti nikakav breakthrough.
samo se čini puno normalnije i primjerenije od onoga što mi imamo priliku da čujemo.

da..ako nekoga interesuje muzika,nađite na internetu.

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