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 Post subject: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 21. 12. 2008. 14:43 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
ne znam da li vas ovdje ovo uopće interesuje, ali eto.. neće vam ni naškoditi, ako ništa

Archives GRM

Les Visiteurs De L'Aventure Concrète
01 André Hodeir - Jazz Et Jazz (3:21)
02 Pierre Boulez - Étude 1 (2:43)
03 Pierre Boulez - Étude 2 (3:00)
04 Jean Barraqué - Étude (5:40)
05 Darius Milhaud - La Rivière Endormie (8:19)
06 Roman Haubenstock-Ramati - L’Amen De Verre (5:17)
07 Henri Sauguet - Aspect Sentimental (7:57)
08 Edgard Varèse - Désert: Interpolation 1 (3:20)
09 André Boucourechliev - Texte 2 (4:40)
10 Claude Ballif - Points-Mouvements (10:19)
11 Iannis Xenakis - Concret PH (2:50)
12 Olivier Messiaen - Timbres Durées (15:08)

L'Art De L'Étude
01 Pierre Schaeffer - Étude Pathétique (4:05)
02 Monique Rollin - Étude Vocale (1:12)
03 Michel Philippot - Étude N°1 (5:14)
04 Philippe Arthuys - Boîte À Musique (2:55)
05 Pierre Schaeffer - Étude Aux Allures (3:31)
06 Luc Ferrari - Étude Aux Sons Tendus (2:49)
07 Luc Ferrari - Étude Floue (2:18)
08 Luc Ferrari - Étude Aux Accidents (2:15)
09 François-Bernard Mâche - Prélude (5:31)
10 Pierre Schaeffer - Étude Aux Objets, 1er Mvt (3:37)
11 Mireille Chamass-Kyrou - Étude 1 (5:13)
12 Ivo Malec - Reflets (2:34)
13 Philippe Carson - Phonologie (6:53)
14 Akira Tamba - Étude N°2 (3:28)
15 Beatriz Ferreyra - Mer D'Azov (3:36)
16 Alain Savouret - Étude Aux Sons Réalistes (4:09)
17 Alain Savouret - Étude Numérique (6:37)

Le Son En Nombres
01 François Bayle - Eros Bleu (7:40)
02 Dieter Kaufmann - Voyage Au Paradis (3:56)
03 Jean-Claude Risset - Sud (5:51)
04 Ivo Malec - Week-end (7:57)
05 Denis Smalley - Wind Chimes (6:47)
06 Gilles Racot - Anamorphées (7:21)
07 Yann Geslin - Variations Didactiques (5:04)
08 Bénédict Mailliard - Affleurements (4:25)
09 Jean Schwarz - Quatre Saisons (Hiver) (5:45)
10 Francis Dhomont - Novars (6:50)

Le Temps Du Temps Réel
01 Bernard Parmegiani - Exercisme 3 (6:02)
02 Ã…ke Parmerud - Les Objets Obscurs (4:43)
03 Denis Dufour - Pli De Perversion (7:12)
04 Horacio Vaggione - Ash (7:04)
05 Alain Savouret - La Complainte Du Bossué (8:54)
06 François Bayle - Mimaméta (6:11)
07 Gilles Racot - Subgestuel (5:23)
08 Daniel Teruggi - Instants D’Hiver (6:41)
09 Ramón González-Arroyo - De La Distance (5:38)
10 Michel Redolfi - Appel D’Air (3:47)

Le GRM Sans Le Savoir
01 Bernard Parmegiani - Indicatif Roissy (0:07)
02 Robert Wyatt / François Bayle - It (3:38)
03 Bernard Parmegiani - Indicatif France Culture (1:14)
04 Alain Savouret - Valse Molle (10:14)
05 Bernard Parmegiani - Indicatif Stade 2 (0:26)
06 Jean Schwarz - Il Était Une Fois (7:41)
07 Jean Schwarz - Sonal France Culture (0:17)
08 Michel Portal / Jean Schwarz - Chantakoa (4:51)
09 Boris Vian / Bernard Parmegiani - L’Alcool Tue (4:13)
10 Robert Cohen-Solal - Les Shadoks (7:58)
11 Guy Reibel - Canon Sur Une Trompe Africaine (2:57)
12 Edgardo Cantón - Rengaine À Pleurer (2:51)
13 Bernard Parmegiani - La Roue Ferris (10:48)
14 Christian Zanési - Sonal RATP (0:04)

The Early Gurus Of Electronic Music

1. Clara Rockmore - "Tchaikovsky: Valse Sentimentale"
2. Olivier Messiaen - "Oraison" (performed by Ensemble D'Ondes De Montreal)
3. Pierre Schaeffer - "Etude aux Chemins de Fer"
4. John Cage - "Williams Mix"
5. Herbert Eimert / Robert Beyer - "Klangstudie II"
6. Otto Luening - "Low Speed"
7. Hugh Le Caine - "Dripsody"
8. Louis and Bebe Barron - "Main Title from Forbidden Planet"
9. Oskar Sala - "Concertando rubato"
10. Edgard Varese - "Poem Electronique"
11. Richard Maxfield - "Sine Music"
12. Tod Dockstader - "Apocalypse Part II"
13. Karlheinz Stockhausen - "Kontakte"
14. Vladimir Ussachevsky - "Wireless Fantasy"
15. Milton Babbitt - "Philomel" (edited)
16. MEV - "Spacecraft" (edited)

1. Raymond Scott - "Cindy Electronium"
2. Steve Reich - "Pendulum Music (I)" (performed by Sonic Youth)
3. Pauline Oliveros - "Bye Bye Butterfly"
4. Joji Yuasa - "Projection Esemplastic for White Noise"
5. Morton Subotnick - "Silver Apples of the Moon Part 1" (edited)
6. David Tudor - "Rainforest Version I" (edited)
7. Terry Riley - "Poppy Nogood"
8. Holger Czukay - "Boat-Woman-Song" (edited)
9. Luc Ferarri - "Music Promenade" (edited)
10. Francois Bayle - "rosace 3"
11. Jean-Claude Risset - "Mutations" (edited)
12. Iannis Xenakis - "Hibiki-Hana-Ma" (edited)
13. La Monte Young - "Drift Study 31 I 69 12:17:30 - 12:49:58 PM NYC" (edited)

1. Charles Dodge - "He Destroyed Her Image"
2. Paul Lansky - "Her Song"
3. Laurie Spiegel - "Appalachian Grove 1"
4. Bernard Parmegiani - "En Phase / Hors Phase"
5. David Behrman - "On the Other Ocean" (edited)
6. John Chowning - "Stria" (edited)
7. Maryanne Amacher - "Living Sound Patent Pending"
8. Robert Ashley - "Automatic Writing" (edited)
9. Alvin Curran - "Canti Illuminati" (edited)
10. Alvin Lucier - "Music On A Long Thin Wire" (edited)
11. Klaus Schulze - "Melange"
12. Jon Hassell - "Before And After Charm (La Notte)" (edited)
13. Brian Eno - "Unfamiliar Winds (Leeks Hills)"

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 21. 12. 2008. 19:15 
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Joined: 14. 07. 2003. 19:20
Posts: 6276
odlicne kompilacije, hvala :D

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 21. 12. 2008. 19:40 
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Joined: 03. 12. 2008. 07:22
Posts: 94

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:22 
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Joined: 03. 10. 2007. 15:49
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mmm gnam gnam danke

btw podsjeti me dat aploudam eliane radigue, to biti moglo dobro bit

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:35 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
a šta imaš.. ja samo 2 pjesme sa 'songs of milarepa'

A Mila's Song In The Rain (20:00)
B Song Of The Path Guides (20:00)

e to.. a negdje sam pročitala da ih ima pet.. mada je ovo vinyl a to mogućno cd

ugl, ako je to to.. onda ništa.. ako imaš još, onda bi mi mogo to dignut neđe šta već imadeš

jutro.. dobro.. btw. :D

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:39 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
jest, evo sad viđoh

1-1 Mila's Song In The Rain (19:10)
1-2 Song Of The Path Guides (21:00)
1-3 Elimination Of Desires (17:21)
1-4 Symbols For Yogic Experience (19:27)
2-1 Mila's Journey Inspired By A Dream (62:21)

pa ako mogu te tri zadnje :D

il šta već imaš, jel.. :)

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:42 
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jutro :D

eo ja čekam da mise krlje pokupe iz stana keke :mrgreen:

daklem imadem svega, a trilogie de la mort ti dignem jerbo je meni najjebeniji :D

jejeje. milarepa je prvo izdana na lp-u imaš pravo, a kasnije i na duplom cedeju i dodane su tri pjesme mnijem

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:47 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
a to se kod tebe dernečilo.. ovaj, tulumarilo

okej, kad digneš to.. javi, pa da i ja uživam :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:53 
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ma bili na komcerat prvi od popsimonove(čekiraj na majspejsu) i 4. rođendan muzikfantastik
i plesaonik. i razbili se naravno. i kod mene završili :mrgreen: al saću ih sve skvotere pošutat van dosta bi bilo :mrgreen:

ostavim ti na lastefemu poruku kad dignem :)

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 10:57 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
a jesi domaćin pravi :)

šta to neka ženskinja.. sad ću ja to provjerit

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 11:13 
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svakog gosta tri dana dosta!

je, toje lana iz (bogufala) bivšeg dekolaža.

 Post subject: Re: m. concrète [archives grm] & early gurus of electronic music
PostPosted: 22. 12. 2008. 12:02 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
a nije mi čemu..

taj dekolaž (bogufala?) nisam slušala

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