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 Post subject: Yanka
PostPosted: 18. 01. 2009. 15:25 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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Diagileva Yanka

Born: September 4, 1966
Deceased: May 9 (?), 1991

poet, songwriter and singer

Yanka Diagileva, a talented female punk-rocker with tragic fate, was one of the brightest figures of the Russian underground music scene of the late 1980s. Her sincerely desperate songs, expressive of what is known as Russian anguish, became more accessible to general public only after her death and the following release of her records. Her songs, a staggering mixture of Russian folk lamentations, hopelessness and nihilism of punk-rock, and profound message, have come to be classics of the Russian poetical rock.

Yana Stanislavovna Diagileva, known to everyone as Yanka, was born on September 4, 1966 in Novosibirsk, into a family of engineers.

As a schoolgirl, Yana wrote verses (which have not been preserved) and took part in school amateur activities. She also attended a music school majoring in fortepiano, yet in a year she quit it and learned to play the guitar on her own.

In 1984 Yanka for some reason entered the Novosibirsk Water Transportation Engineering Institute, where she became a member of the amateur ensemble of political song and got her first serious concert experience. Yanka’s first well-known verses date back to 1985.

In December 1985 Yanka met Aleksandr Bashlachev at an underground domestic concert (kvartirnik). At first sight SashBash impressed her greatly, that impression having a powerful impact on all her afterlife.

At the end of 1986 Yanka dropped out in her second year of studies. Gradually she started performing her songs for general public.

When singing at domestic concerts and parties, Yanka saw that her songs really came home to listeners and appealed to them. Slowly she was attaining self-confidence and getting rid of hang-ups. She was unbending and becoming more creative.

Yanka first met Yegor Letov in April 1987. One week was enough for her to fall in love with him wholeheartedly and stay with him for a year and a half.

Yanka and Yegor Letov
During the period from 1987 to 1988 Yanka wrote most of her famous verses and songs. She dreamt of creating her own band. In the end, however, her creative zeal of that time boiled down to some small inclusions into albums of Yegor Letov’s projects.

Letov was a dictator not only in creative collaboration, but in family life as well. He could kick up a row for her leaving a room at a wrong moment, or give a scolding to her in front of others after a concert.

It is difficult to say how Yanka could bear it all, yet, on the other hand, Yegor also helped her a lot by inspiring her, keeping up her self-confidence and teaching her to work in a record studio.

Yanka’s first acoustic record (and one of her best ones) under the title Ne Polozheno (Not Allowed) was made in Omsk (the native city of Yegor Letov) in January 1988.

February 17, 1988 saw the untimely death of Aleksandr Bashlachev. It was this tragedy that triggered Yanka’s depression streak, which lasted till the end of her life.

From 1988 Yanka gave numerous concerts and kvartirniks and recorded her songs.

In the beginning of 1989 she made an acoustic record that was reissued in 1995 under the title Prodano! (Sold!) On this album she sings solo accompanying herself on guitar. Only the last song, Declassirovannim elementam (To Declassed Elements) they traditionally sing together with Letov.

In 1991 Yanka recorded four acoustic songs, literally brimming over with pain: Vyshe Nogi Ot Zemli (Feet Higher Off the Ground), Na Doroge Pyatak (A Penny on the Road), Pro Chertikov (About Imps), Pridet Voda (Water Will Come). The song Water Will Come recorded in the end of 1990 turned to be her last song. Many consider it as Yanka’s farewell or foretelling.

Yanka had depressive veins before. According to her schoolmates, they occurred when yet at school.

In the evening of May 9, 1991 Yana left her summer cottage in the vicinity of Novosibirsk and never came back. A fisherman found her body in the river, early in the morning on May 17. The investigation never established whether it was an accident or a suicide.

Yana Diagileva was laid to rest at Zayeltsovskoe Cemetery in Novosibirsk.

Not a single record of Yanka was officially released in her lifetime. She did not ever give any interviews, on principle. Following her death there were numerous attempts to analyze her creations in various articles and research works.

In June 1991 Yegor Letov released Yanka’ posthumous album Styd i Sram (Shame and Reproach). Shortly before his death on February 19, 2008 Yegor Letov managed to remaster all Yanka’s albums and several concerts and handed them over to an issuer.

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 18. 01. 2009. 23:23 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
super ženska :) a i baš kopam po tom sibirskom suicidal [post]punk.u :) bashlachev mi je drag isto :)

nego, jesi ti slušao mariu zerfall..
kontam da je to u tvom fazonu.. ako griješim zajebi, ako ne.. imaš je ođe

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 20. 01. 2009. 14:43 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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nisam nju sluso, provjerim. neb ja ove dovodio u isti kontekst sa tim zapadnjackim suicidal karikaturama, grijeh je ;) ovo je meni ona prava prljavo siva jeza, zivot jebeni, volim inace zvuk i melanholiju starog sibirskog panka, kad mi je do pravo emocionalne glazbe a ne trendovskog sminkeraja, boljeg nema :)

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 20. 01. 2009. 17:39 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
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khm.. nešto ne kontam kako ih to dovedoh u isti kontekst.. nebitno, al ono.. ženska nestala u po frke, našli je mrtvu.. pretpostavljaju da se ubila, bashlachev si isto tak dokrajčio muke, još sa onih 27 god.. baš rok star fazoni, samo eto.. je, letov je umro i to nedavno, ebga... uostalom, šta me briga za to, dobro veliš melanhonija u punom sjaju.. samo mi krivo što ih ne otkrih ranije, al ajd

btw. još mi pade na pamet ova ženska iz tog indastrijal fazona ... lationship
mada mi nije legla na prvo slušanje, al ak te zanima

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 20. 01. 2009. 20:41 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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ma ono, mislio sam na trenutnu popularnost depressive / suicidal / emo nazovi nihilizma od furke. sad, nije bas zivot ruskih rokera puno nalikovo onima sa zapada, nisu imali tu slobodu, nekak je meni to skroz druga prica, ta bespomocnost je tamo bila stvarna a ne kukanje zbog razmazenosti, il jeftine dekadencije ko sad, kuzis, na to sam mislio. onaj iz SPINKI MENTA je eto jos ziv, malo posluso kako sad zvuci, nema vise one prljavstine u zvuku pa mi nije tolko napet. nije to bas nest za raspravljat, bas iz postovanja prema onom sto su radili, volio bi da razumijem i textove bolje... ali sama muzika mi je ipak tu na prvom mjestu. nisam neki expert bas, polako se upoznavam, dobro dodju ovi prijedlozi za provjerit.

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 20. 01. 2009. 21:06 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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aha, mislio sam da si mi dala ruske linkove, al ti si isla po spolnoj liniji, ono sto cuh na je dosta zanimljivo, nasao sam mariu zerfall tu - , zasad mi je ona zanimljivija. industrial koji mene najvise zanima je onaj "tribal", spoj buke, tezine, i ritma, TEST DEPT. stil, zato volim i neke novije elektronske rhythmic noise stvari, ako su dovoljno distorzirane, tipa CONVERTER, MINDUSTRIES, MONO-ANIME, GEWALTAKUSTIK, UN-, ne smeta mi ni ako ide na hard techno. ako znas tako nesto, da je bas grubo i mracno, dobrodosli su predlozi... staro ili novo. mada, surova melanholija starog ruskog panka, strasno, to je unikat.

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 11:22 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
ma vidim ja da se ne kontamo nikako haha :D

za m. zerfall ti dadoh link ... rophe.html

te neke što nabroja ja nisam slušala.. ali kad već reče tribal, otkrih nedavno da belgija ima tu dobru scenu, al sam zasad slušala samo RAKSHA MANCHAM , HYBRYDS , 1 200 000 DEAD TIBETANS što zapravo i nije trajbl al je projekt lika iz RMa.. u suštini spoken word sa nojzi backgroundom, al eto.. i ovu žensku solo iz hybryds.a što je tribal, al ambient.. pa eto možda ti se šta svidi od toga

a što se rusa tiče, to i ja još otkrivam i ne mogu baš dijeliti preporuke.. već spominjani bashlachev bi ti se mogao svidjeti, tražim al ne mogu sad naći gdje bio onaj link za Время колокольчиков pa ti evo za jutjub ... &aq=-1&oq=

Гражданская Оборона je valjda bend gdje ti je i janka svirala, dobra stvar je što ih možeš čuti na last.fmu ... 0%BD%D0%B0

slušala sam još Красные Звёзды al mi nisu nešto.. opet ih tamo imaš ... 0%B4%D1%8B

šta sam ono još.. Коммунизм i Егор Летов.. al to čini mi se nema na last.fmu za poslušati.. pa moraš tražit linkiće ako te interesuje..

u suštini pratim ove similar artists.. pa valjda nađem šta da valja :)

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 14:19 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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sad se kuzimo. slusam naravno Гражданская Оборона, mada ne jos puno toga, isto idem polako, oni mi i na novijim albumima zvuce dobro, bas zbog spoja melanholije i lo fi pristupa (je cisce nego prije al daleko od monotone zapadnjacke profi produkcije). Коммунизм i Егор Летов moram jos provjerit. provjerio sam jos neke starije ali mi nisu tolko legli. odlican mi i jedan album od ORGASM NOSTRDAMUSA, vise na hc/punk al opet sibirski zvuk, nije kopiranje, jako psihoticno i svoje. i oni izgubili dva clana, ali vise zbog klasicnog ruskog ulicnog alkoholizma. mislim da imaju i neke skroz experimentalne albume. provjerim tvoje linkove opet. imas kod mene na blogu jedan album od SPINKI MENTA, provjeri - ... -1987.html , poslje je promjenio ime u Cherniy Lukich, njegovi albumi Kuchi v nochi i Konchilis patrony su mi u stvari vrh te spike. Erekcija leitenanta kireeva je vise klasicni lo fi punk, ali ova dva su prljavstina + melodija, tjst ona prava sibirska melanholija i jeza, jos radi, malo pogledah na youtube, vise klasicno akusticno kantautorstvo, nema mi vise tih elemenata sto trazim.

za industriju isto hvala na preporukama, pogledacu... evo skidam Mariu Zerfall, thanx :)

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 14:47 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
thnx, evo slušam spinki menta.. btw. nađoh ovdje još toga za dl :)

baš me zanimaju ovi Промышленная Архитектура.. tob moglo valjat

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 14:50 
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vaauuuu, super blog!!!

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 14:54 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
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heh, neš vjerovat.. i ovaj se ubio :mrgreen: ... 1%80%D0%B0

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 14:59 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
aa shit, on je jedan od te dvojice članova go.a za koje si govorio.. :/

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 15:04 

Joined: 15. 12. 2008. 00:59
Posts: 241
il si ti ipak mislio na te corere.. haha, zbuni me sad

ugl, ono suicidal je totalno opravdano.. nevezano za zapadnjake ;-) :)

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 15:37 
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na druge sam mislio, da. ove - - jedu macho korere, norveske blekere, gg-ija i sl za dorucak -

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 21. 01. 2009. 22:03 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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lezi mi Maria Zerfall, pravi old school i ima atmosferu koja mi odgovara, super. ovi drugi su izgleda malo previse new age brije za mene :)

 Post subject: Re: Yanka
PostPosted: 23. 08. 2011. 21:36 
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Yanka Dyagileva "Deklassirovannim elementam" [1988]


Yanka Dyagileva (04.09.1966 - 09.05.1991) was a Russian poet, songwriter and singer. She also played in punk band Grazhdanskaya Oborona.
Yanka's songs were very depressing mixture of punk and folk.
Her body was found in the river Inya. She probably committed suicide.

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