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 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 01. 05. 2009. 00:23 
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Joined: 10. 07. 2007. 17:57
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eh album dovoljno islusan da mogu rec koju o njemu

prvih 5 stvari su mi legle pravo venom inside se izdvaja kao na citavom albumu al prvih 5 stvari vrh drugih 5 takođe vrlo dobre stvari al u njima je najjaca stvar na albumu meni bar a to je jebeni instrumental koja je bas the heart of it all stvarno nesto najjace muzicki od chimaire sto sam cuo

sve u svemu album je jak i drago mi je u jednu ruku sto je ovako mracan i spor to je dokaz da je ovo veliki bend jer su dosadasnju recimo formulu neku skroz izbacili al napravili odlican album, bendcina :!:

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 06. 05. 2009. 18:56 
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Recenzija: Chimaira - The Infection

Sto reci za Chimairu? Vecinom svi znamo sve. Jedan od rijetkih new breed bendova koji svakim albumom evoluira i pomice granice svog sounda, ove su nas godine pocastili novim albumom nazvanim The Infection. Poprilicna prasina se digla oko ovog albuma, vecinom zbog cinjenice da je album poprilicno sporog ili srednje sporog tempa, totalna suprotnost Resurrectionu, koji je prava thrashcore bomba. No to sto je tempo albuma sporiji ne znaci da je album i losiji, dapace, ovo je jedan od boljih metal albuma ove godine. Album se sastoji od 10 pjesama (plus jedna bonus stvar), pa krenimo redom.


Na kraju, ovo je jedno od najboljih Chimairinih ostvarenja, no kako je svaki njihov album drukciji ne mogu ga tocno smjestiti na ljestvici albuma, no po mom misljenju stoji negdje izmedju Resurrectiona i The Impossibility Of Reasona. Ovo je jedan vrlo mracan i hladan album, bez osjecaja, bez velike kolicine melodija, agresivan i zestok, koji se polako uvlaci pod kozu, kao sto i sam naziv albuma kaze. Na vama je da ga poslusate i jedva cekate novi album, bas kao i ja.


Blabbermouth recenzija:
CHIMAIRA is a band that's always played like they have something to prove. After an (at best) average debut, "The Impossibility Of Reason" roared in and earned them a spot amongst the powerhouses of the NWOAHM, while its self-titled follow-up was a monstrous display of a band that wasn't afraid to take chances. Label woes and inner-struggles that would have slain a lesser beast only gave these Cleveland workhorses that extra bit of fuel needed for the devastating and appropriately-titled "Resurrection". Whether it was the return of drummer Andols Herrick that got the juices flowing, or the fact that the band wisely ignored any laurel on which they could rest, 2007 saw CHIMAIRA firing on all cylinders. Two years later, we're starting to see a bit of a pattern of slam-that-ass, followed by artistic expansion and exploration, then back to the butt-whooping. Following that logic, "The Infection" is exactly as it should be; a less brutal, yet more evolution-minded affair that sees the band rumbling toward the next phase of their career.

Mid-paced and song-oriented, "The Infection" is an album that brings a more cerebral attack than it does a bludgeon to the skull, but that's not to say this isn't one heavy mother fucker. As good an intro as any I've heard in a long time, "The Venom Inside" slithers in with a mood-inducing melody the main theme, filled with whammy-bar spiked riffs and speed-picked melo-death runs, comes growling in. Said intro melody reprises itself briefly before the album flows seamlessly into the chug of "Frozen In Time". Despite the fact that a noticeable formula begins to set in, textured guitar work, strong vocal hooks and an eerie little solo from Rob Arnold offer enough distraction to keep things interesting. As the disc rolls on, so too does the barrage of galloped riffing flavored with little intricacies, schooled lead work and slick song arrangement. At times, this formula is all too apparent, but other moments are highly effective. "Broken Glass", "Destroy And Dominate" and the triumphantly epic instrumental (the disc's biggest surprise) "The Heart Of It All" are great examples of CHIMAIRA past, present and future.

By avoiding chaos within structuring, CHIMAIRA has left plenty of room for each member to breathe their own breath of air into each song. Backed by the machine-like bass and drum pummel of Jim LaMarca and the still invigorated Herrick, Arnold and cohort Matt DeVries use calculated interaction, opposed to straight-forward brutality, to make their statement on this album. Making himself more present than ever before is keyboardist Chris Spicuzza. His atmospheric subtleties, while always noticeable, have finally reached their full potential. In fact, the darkness of "Impending Doom" would probably be little more than a dimly lit light bulb were it not for his contribution. Always an aggressive growler and barker, Mark Hunter came into the studio with a heart full of anger this time out. By adding a death-like scowl here and an anguished scream there, Hunter brings an apocalyptic aura to the mix.
yeah :lol:
When all is said and done, "The Infection" will surely be a hot topic of discussion amongst CHIMAIRA fans. This may not be as epic, aggressive or intense an endeavor as the previous three, but once you've explored every corner, you'll find it to be one of their most creative. A good sign of things to come.

7; user ratings: 7.4

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 06. 05. 2009. 19:36 
ona vasa recenzija je izgleda napisana na brzinu :mrgreen:
takav se dojam stjece citajuci je....

uglavnom, daj nek neko postavi tu bonus pjesmu...zapalio sam sekad procitah u kakvom je ona stilu.


 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 06. 05. 2009. 19:41 
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SODOM wrote:
ona vasa recenzija je izgleda napisana na brzinu :mrgreen:
takav se dojam stjece citajuci je....

uglavnom, daj nek neko postavi tu bonus pjesmu...zapalio sam sekad procitah u kakvom je ona stilu.


Jesi pročitao samo ovo sa foruma ili sve sa bloga? Ne znam majke mi, men je ok :? .

Ne znam za taj bonus, ja ga nemam. C'mon people!

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 06. 05. 2009. 19:58 
sa b(l)oga...nekako lijepo uvod i sve to a onda negdje u po srede kao da je pozureno (da nekom nije gorio stan :mrgreen: ) nidje divljenja prvoj i zadnjoj stvarki :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 06. 05. 2009. 20:05 
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Ha ha ha, haj prenijet ću čovjeku za ubuduće da ne uradi isto :) .

Evo BONUS: ... -DiC-_.rar

CD/DVD Edition Bonus Track
11. Revenge

USB Bonus Tracks
12. Warpath
13. Convictions

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 06. 05. 2009. 20:10 
tooo mace

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 07. 05. 2009. 00:25 
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Revenge mi baš ima old-school riffove. Pjesma u rangu ostalih a ove dvije još moram poslušati.

Evo spot za Destroy And Dominate - ... d=56901949

Nimalo maštovito jebote :| .

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 07. 05. 2009. 00:50 
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meni pravo dobar spot,odlicno prikazana atmosfera,ima energicnih momenata,i dobrih fazona s kamerom.. 8)

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 28. 08. 2009. 19:54 
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Ne uzdržavajte se od komentara :D . Razdvojit ću sve što napišemo za njih u posebnu temu kasnije.

Vokal je pjevao u Baphometu i Stemmu :o . Gitarista Chimaira-e, bubnjar Bleed The Sky-a... Masked of a Man je sa Mark Hunterom.

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 30. 08. 2009. 10:49 
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ja obozavam chimairu, stvarno su mi jedan od najdrazih bendova, pratim ih od pocetka.. al s ovim novim albumom su me fakat razocarali.. sve pjesme lice jedna na drugu, album uradjen u jednom tempu, svi ritmovi isti.. ne znam ocekivo sam dosta dosta vise al eto.. valjda ce sljedeci bit bolji... ovo je samo moje misljenje :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 05. 01. 2010. 20:55 
tek sad pregledo spot...odlican ba..mada, jedan je Nothing Remains :twisted:

ev zadnjih dana ponovo vrtim s/t i resurrection,puca me neka mini nostalgija :mrgreen:

ovaj resurrection je nesto najbolje ikad u metalu,allaham...perfekcija

zadnji moram ponovo skinut jer sam ga negdje zabacio

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 04. 07. 2011. 13:40 
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2 nove pjesme

Trigger Finger

Born in Blood (feat. Phil Bozeman of Whitechapel) ... re=related

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 04. 07. 2011. 14:37 
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Dobra Trigger Finger pravo :D Nisam ih sluš'o od Resurrection-a.

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 13. 07. 2011. 23:48 

Joined: 20. 02. 2008. 01:19
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trigger finger jako slaba pjesma, Born in blood okej, makar je ocit recikliran riff od Resurrectiona, ali brejk prejeben (Phil car) :shock: ceka se cd sa nestrpljenjem ;)

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 14. 07. 2011. 02:11 
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ja ga i ne cekam s nestrpljenjem, jednom sam se razocaro (infection) necu opet.. jer opet predosjecam da ce album bit sranje, ove dvije pjesme kurcu ne valjaju naspram stare chimaire

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 14. 07. 2011. 10:24 
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uuuu kako sam bio razočaran sa the infection-om. sjećam se ide prva pjesma, i rasturi sve. rekoh samom sebi, aj evo opet su ga prekucali, evo novog impossibility of reason-a... kad ono ništa! čujem ganja se neka mračna atmosfera, nema onih njihovih prepoznatljivih bržih pjesama, sve mi zvučalo kao da je neko usporio album nekoliko puta. i dan danas ne mogu smisliti taj album izuzev par pjesama. meni lično njihovo najgore izdanje - čak su mi bolji prvi demo-i dok su još bili numetal ala deftones :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 18. 07. 2011. 10:15 
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bice ovo dobro,čmara vazda nest drugacije ganja

 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 18. 07. 2011. 12:44 
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sihirbog wrote:
bice ovo dobro,čmara vazda nest drugacije ganja


 Post subject: Re: Chimaira
PostPosted: 05. 08. 2011. 00:20 
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recenzija novog albuma

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