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 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 06:54 
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Joined: 23. 02. 2009. 17:47
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The Ocean - Heliocentric [2010]

1. Shamayim (1:53)
2. Firmament (7:29)
3. The First Commandment of the Luminaries (6:47)
4. Ptolemy Was Wrong (6:28)
5. Metaphysics of the Hangman (5:41)
6. Catharsis of A Heretic (2:08)
7. Swallowed By the Earth (4:59)
8. Epiphany (3:21)
9. The Origin of Species (7:23)
10. The Origin of God (4:33)

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 08:59 
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 09:35 
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skida se... siguran sam da će biti zanimljiviji od bleeding through-a :D

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 10:40 
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Album je samo tako nadmašio sve što je izašlo ove godine :twisted: :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 11:42 
JohnnyT wrote:
Album je samo tako nadmašio sve što je izašlo ove godine :twisted: :mrgreen:


slijedi detaljan komentar nekad veceras ili sutra, dok se prevrti jos nekih 20ak puta :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 12:33 
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opa :D :D :D :D

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 20:40 
nema nijedne da ne valja
al vala

8) 8) 8)

a album, sad cjelokupni dojam...
riffovi, refreni!!!

ahhhh KATARZA!!!!

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 20:51 
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odličan je, jedina su mi zamjerka vokali, nije mi nesto novi pjevac

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2010. 22:08 
meni su odlicni
jazzerskih dionica ima pravo
samo da je vise harsh vokala, valjalo bi :)

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 09. 04. 2010. 09:45 
presavrsen album, al nije prekuco Crack The Skye, ruku na srce!
CtS je raznolik, i pun ludih i pamtljivih riffova, kolko je vokalno orijentisan, toliko je i riffovski, i pun zaobadavanja!
Heliocentric je vise vokalno orijentisan, al oni malo alternativniji uleti (citaj: saksofon i razna cella) povecavaju sveukupni eargasm faktor!!!
Odlican album, svaka pjesma ima nesto magicno, da je vise harsh vokala, i vise riffova kao na The Origin Of Species, bilo bi jebeno!!
i da, sad mi sve krivo sto sam unaprijed vec slusao Metaphysics i Swallowed, jer su medju ovim epskim, koje prve upamtis!!
i da, Firmament riff i onaj ritam, kako ponese, jebenooooo :D:D:D

dosadan sam, al THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES!!!! ahhhhh

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 10. 04. 2010. 16:55 
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Joined: 04. 05. 2008. 07:59
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Firmament je jedna od najkompletnijih pjesama koje sam čuo u zadnje vrijeme - ima sve komponente dobre pjesme: jebački riff, refren i epske prelaze. Nju uživo slušat je raj i za oči i za uši mislim.

Ostatak albuma mi je ono... može se slušati ali "it doesn't move me".

I onda dolazi Swallowed By The Earth sa jednim tako jebeno dobrim epskim momentom prije one pauze.

Zadnje dvije su priča za sebe... i ove 4 su taman dovoljne da album proglasim ostvarenjem.

Samo mi je vokal slab - muči se sa pjevanjem cleanova očito je (npr. početak Ptholomey Was Wrong ali ima još trenutaka) i harshova je vala moglo biti više.

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 11. 04. 2010. 17:05 
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Kvalitetan album. Opuštajući, ali sa dovoljno energičnih dijelova. Koncept je stvarno genijalan. Najviše sam se zadržao na 'Firmament' i na 'Epiphany'.

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 20. 05. 2010. 19:29 
evo glavni razlog zasto ipak ne mogu Mastodonu prismrditi

nema onih katarzicnih erektibilnih solaza :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 21. 08. 2010. 01:37 
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Joined: 04. 05. 2008. 07:59
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THE OCEAN: 'Anthropocentric' Details Revealed.

"Anthropocentric" track listing:

01. Anthropocentric
02. The Grand Inquisitor I: Karamazov Baseness
03. She Was The Universe
04. For He That Wavereth…
05. The Grand Inquisitor II: Roots & Locusts
06. The Grand Inquisitor III: A Tiny Grain of Faith
07. Sewers Of The Soul
08. Wille Zum Untergang
09. Heaven TV
10. The Almightiness Contradiction
11. The Grand Inquisitor IV: Exclusion From Redemption

Musically, "Anthropocentric" feels somehow heavier than "Heliocentric". "The sound is more dense and maybe a tad more raw, which suits the songs perfectly", comments guitar player Jonathan Nido. The album covers a similar sonic and dynamic range as "Heliocentric", also including a number of calm, acoustic moments — but these are for the most part orchestrated with guitars, and not so much with piano and string section. The focus is on the heavy songs. "The album is a pretty big production, and still has a very earthy, organic feel to it", says Staps. "We have spent a great deal of time on the basic sound this time around, drums, bass, guitars and vocals… and at this stage I am pretty confident that this will pay off in the end!"

At the base of the album are three songs with the titles "The Grand Inquisitor I, II and III". These songs have been inspired by the chapter of the same title in Fjodor Dostoyevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamasov": a conversation between the brothers Ivan, an atheist, and Alyoscha, a monk. Ivan tells Alyoscha the story of a Second Coming of Christ in 16th century Sevilla. According to this parable, Jesus is arrested by the Catholic inquisition. The grand inquisitor who interrogates Jesus casts a new light on the legend of the temptation of Christ: he reproaches Jesus with having betrayed humanity and having deprived man of salvation by giving him freedom. The conversation between Ivan and Alyoscha mirrors, to some degree, the conversation between the grand inquisitor and Christ and raises more questions than it answers. "This long dialogue, which for the most part is rather a monologue of Ivan, is so complex and recondite that one could easily find inspiration for 10 concept albums about Christianity in it," explains Staps.

Ovaj dijalog i priča o mučenju Isusa u Sevilji mi se utisnula u sjećanje od prvog čitanja Karamazovih od prije nekih 7-8 godina... Intersantna ideja da ovo muzički obrade.

U septembru bi trebao biti zgotovljen album.

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 21. 08. 2010. 01:50 
ne sumnjam da ce biti jos jedan masterpiece
al cu se fakat ono pravo pravo razocarati ako ne bude gotivnih solaza :evil: :cry:

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 21. 08. 2010. 09:34 
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Novosti: Najava novog albuma The Ocean-a

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 13. 10. 2010. 18:02 
ovaj novi ce prekucati Heliocentric, sigurno
al nece prekucati novi Intronaut, et da znate :razz:

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 26. 10. 2010. 20:40 
kruze neke glasine po netu da su 18.11. u BGu :shock: :shock:

na spejsu jos nisu potvrdili nista, valjda ce uskoro

taman poslije ispita svih, ako se odrade dobro, moglo bi se ici ako fakat bude

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 26. 10. 2010. 21:24 
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u Zagrebu su predgrupa Anathemi pa su valjda onda i u Beogradu :)

 Post subject: Re: The Ocean
PostPosted: 26. 10. 2010. 22:10 
nisam znao do maloprije da su anathemi predgrupa, to je nesto aktuelnije
evo maloprije vidjoh

pa jarane, na tu anathemu bi se trebalo onda i otici majku mu :D

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