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PostPosted: 27. 04. 2005. 17:05 
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Joined: 27. 10. 2004. 21:41
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ain't gonna happen...

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PostPosted: 28. 04. 2005. 17:48 
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Dark Ponthus wrote:
bach-come back,please!!!!!!!!

mission imposible

Rachel je izjavio da cka i nepricaju s bachom

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PostPosted: 28. 04. 2005. 18:21 
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Joined: 27. 10. 2004. 21:41
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Location: The Coast Of Malabar (zagreb)
bach ima jaki glas..i šteta da ga uludo troši u nekom bendu za koji nitko ni nezna. kolko sam ja upućena, sad su na turenije po Skandinaviji ( Bach i njegova nova ekipa ), ili su već bili, vrag bi ih znao... ;)

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PostPosted: 03. 05. 2005. 13:47 
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ne tek ce da krene na turnjeu a najblize nama bit ce

" July 16 Toscolano Maderno, Italy EVOLUTION FESTIVAL with Nightwish"

pa et skokni do italije ak ti nije tesko

bach's site:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 03. 05. 2005. 13:51 
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PostPosted: 03. 05. 2005. 16:11 
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Joined: 27. 10. 2004. 21:41
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Location: The Coast Of Malabar (zagreb)
nije..tata mi radi u italiji. pa mozda odem. thanx na informaciji ;)
slika je legendarna :D

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PostPosted: 06. 05. 2005. 15:58 
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Guns Decadence wrote:
nije..tata mi radi u italiji. pa mozda odem. thanx na informaciji ;)
slika je legendarna :D

ajd pa ao odes dones nam neke fotke ili mozda cak snimak koncerta :D

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PostPosted: 06. 05. 2005. 16:34 
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Joined: 27. 10. 2004. 21:41
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Location: The Coast Of Malabar (zagreb)
obavezno ;)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 15. 09. 2005. 13:10 
Skid row nekad bili dobri kad je pjevao sebastian, a sad prosjecan bend, 18 in life ubitacne godine.

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PostPosted: 23. 09. 2005. 23:10 
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Joined: 25. 01. 2005. 04:20
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Ne svidja mi se bas nesto ova nova obrada I Remember You :?
Bolje (u ovom slucaju) da je nisu ni obradjivali...

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PostPosted: 06. 11. 2005. 21:29 
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Joined: 17. 08. 2005. 21:06
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Bez sebastijana oni su nula

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: 19. 01. 2010. 16:06 

Joined: 25. 02. 2009. 03:16
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Garry im je ustupio ime benda...

Nikad više starog Skid Row-a ... Što je postojao, postojao je sa Bachom..
Sad naginju više na klasični moderni američki rock koji je odviše prejeftin za pravi Skid Row.

Sebastian sad ima daleko bolju solo karijeru od njih.
Jeli ko slušao Angeldown album iz 2007 ?

metalgod wrote:
jeli jedno vrijeme kod njih svirao Gary Moore, u poccetku, davno?

 Post subject: Re: SKID ROW
PostPosted: 03. 08. 2010. 18:26 
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Joined: 03. 08. 2010. 17:59
Posts: 2
..nisu losi,mogu s' vremena na vrijeme poslusati.

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