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 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 26. 03. 2009. 05:46 
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Uradi sebi varkinom :D

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 26. 03. 2009. 18:59 
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Joined: 08. 04. 2008. 01:14
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evo nekih recenzija albuma

Daggerspawn is domestic act that started out in 2005. with their vision of crafting very brutal, yet technical brand of Death Metal. I have seen them live at the beginning of their career and truth be told, I did not like what I’ve heard that much. But the years of experience helped them to sharpen the edges of their weapon and it is notable on their debut album „Suffering Upon The Throne Of Depravity“ (before that, they released the demo under the same name, couple of splits and even one live DVD). One very nice thing is that this release will come out in a couple of days on a foreign label, which is very huge thing for the band from our land. Cover art was drawn by famous John Zig, who worked also for f.ex. Suffocation and Dying Fetus, very nice work indeed and the motive is in connection with Lovecraftian / occult themes the and is dealing with in their lyrics. Let us now go on to the most important aspect of an album – music. Although Daggerspawn guys label themselves as „technical“, that tag is not prevalent in their music, meaning that it is not drowned in uncomprehensable and countless boring parts. No, the tech aspect is only used in order to put some nice twists and turns here and there. Their most dangerous tool is the brutality, which I would link back to Florida years prevalently but you can also hear that more modern bands left their their mark on Daggerspawn. Songs are not in „non stop blast“ vein (thankfully, I must add), the arrangement work is on good enough level so that one won’t get bored by listening to the album. I can feel that Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse are worshipped very much in these guys’ ranks, for the proof just listen to the track „In the Bane and Enlightment of Man“, which sounds like a cross between Cannibal twisted riffs a la „Perverse Suffering“ and MA atmospheric and evil guitar fills. Vocal of Danilo is mainly growling, occasional shout / screams are featured and he remined me on Mike’s (Sinister) work on, say, „Hate“. The main thing that bothered me on the album is use of rhythm machine, the thing that I am allergic on and which does not suit the band of this style (hell, it doesn’t suit any Metal band except for Summoning and their likes...). Daggerspawn has a drummer in their line-up, and as I know, cursed machine was used because of lack of money. Pity, as I would like to hear these songs with power that only the real drums can have. I guess that I will have to catch them in live setting these days for that... All in all, this is one good release from up’n’coming band, check it out if you can.

Music: Daggerspawn: Suffering Upon The Throne of Depravity

Our Take

Hailing from Serbia, technical death metal band, Daggerspawn, formed in 2005. They released their debut demo in 2006, which, although similarly-titled, is not to be confused with their latest album. After playing around with a few split releases over the years, they finally released their debut album on Sevared/Butchered Records: Suffering Upon The Throne of Depravity.

The introductory track, aptly-titled "And The Slumber Ends," is vastly different from the rest of the tracks; it is calm and full of atmospheric textures. Immediately following its abrupt end, the listener is violently torn from the aforementioned sleep, reanimated by the technical rampage that is "Awakening." The instrumentalists themselves are very skillful, not only in their dexterity and technicality, but also their songwriting, which enables them to properly execute very unconventional song structures.
The beauty of this record is the fact that it seems to flow seamlessly. When there is silence, it feels beatmatched or balanced by symmetrical fades. These subtle things, such as the transition between "Awakening" and "Children of the Livid Scene," keep the listener attentive, as each track picks up where the other left off. This cohesiveness is complimented by the return of the ambiance of the opening track in "In the Bane and Enlightenment of Man," which brings the listener back to the occult theme of the album.
At points, this quality works against the individuality of each song, as they meld together and sound very stylistically similar upon first listen. Obviously, like all albums, repeated listens can help each song grow and stand out, be it based on its structure, solos, or lyrics, but there is little variation. Another problematic aspect of the album is that it is barely 25 minutes long. To remedy this problem, the band included three bonus tracks at the end of the album. If you're looking for new material, look elsewhere, but these live takes are as raw as the rest of the album, proving that the band's brutality continues on the stage.
For a debut album, this obviously sticks to the status quo. For what it is, Daggerspawn's Suffering Upon The Throne of Depravity is a solid effort and worth checking out for any serious or casual fan of death metal.

Nic Ross

March 23, 2009

Review: Suffering Upon the Throne of Depravity (reviewed by Larry Griffin)

are a Serbian band ripping out some old-school Death Metal. They have
been knocking around for a few years now, churning out the sort of
singles, demos and splits you'd expect from a young band, and here we
finally get their debut album. It's a pretty short album at only about
35 minutes of real meat, plus three live cuts to pad it out, but in the
realms of Death Metal that is fairly standard.

This band is not
breaking any molds, as their sound is pretty much a hybridization of
the speed of old Morbid Angel and the sludgy melody of classic Bolt
Thrower. Sure, it's not original, but I like it. Daggerspawn go after
it with a lot of energy, wringing out twisted, evil riffs leavened with
melodic hooks and chaotic leadwork. They are not techy or precise,
going after a feral assault more than the clickety sterility of some
‘broootal' bands. Speaking of clickety, there is not any of that here,
as the production is actually pretty damned good. They have a nice fat
guitar sound and drums that sound like drums, and while you can hear
everything, it's still dirty enough to be cool.

There is some
wastage here, as the first and fourth tracks are both atmospheric
interludes without much point. But with slabs of Death Metal killing
like "Children Of The Livid Sea" and "I Am The Thousand Plagues" I am
prepared to forgive quite a bit of that. Daggerspawn are just getting
started, and a debut album this enjoyable says good things about their
future potential. This is an underground gem for all Death Metal fans
to check out, as this is a band worth watching for.


Suffering Upon the Throne of Depravity

(Sevared/Butchered Records)

Predstavnici novog srpskog death metal talasa izdali su debi album pod okriljem dve američke izdavačke kuće

Vladimir Ninčić

svih naših ozbiljnijih death metal bendova verovatno mogu da se
potrpaju u jednu osrednju maricu (sve sa instrumentima), ali to ne
znači da ova malena zajednica nije proizvela materijal vredan pomena.
Svoj najjači kreativni momenat srpski death metal je doživeo u samom
nastanku, otprilike u vreme kada je na Floridi ili u Å vedskoj bio na
Iako produkcijski inferiorni u odnosu na ostatak sveta,
kragujevački sastavi Mortuary i Dead Joker, čačanska Necrophobia i
Beograđani Bloodbath uspeli su da stvore scenu u zemlji u kojoj se
burek naplaćivao novčanicom sa jedanaest nula i u vreme dok je
downloadovanje još bilo samo košmar profitabilnih kompanija.

matori metalci danas se sa setom sećaju tih vremena, kada se svaka
kaseta cenila kao Žuta osa u dijaspori, kada se štekalo nedeljama da bi
se otišlo na koncert i kada je svako mogao da pokaže koliko stvarno
vredi bez podlog trigerovanja bubnjeva ili mađioničarskih trikova u
postprodukciji. Međutim, čini se da je u modernom hiperaktivnom dobu, u
kome se čak i probe mnogih bendova mogu pronaći na ruskim sajtovima,
mladim sastavima teže nego ikada da se izbore za mesto pod suncem. Zbog
toga činjenica da beogradski Daggerspawn, grupa koja uz novosadski
Disdained i nešto starije sugrađane Sacramental Blood danas predstavlja
okosnicu najekstremnije gitarske forme u nas, izdaje svoj prvenac za
dve američke etikete treba u startu dovoljno da kaže o njihovom

Sevared Records i njegov ogranak Butchered Records
su dva žanrovski precizno određena izdavača stacionoirana u državi
Njujork, sa finom distribucionom mrežom koja će momcima iz Daggerspawna
sigurno omogućiti publicitet o kome su do pre nekoliko meseci mogli da
sanjaju. Težište ovih muzičkih firmi je jasno, što je jasno nakon
letimičnog pogleda na potpuno nečitljive nazive bendova i zastrašujuće
naslovne strane, i Beograđani se savršeno uklapaju u njihov katalog.

početak (i prvi vizuelni kontakt), tu je omot inspirisan Lovecraftom,
delo tatu majstora Jona Ziga, čije su ilustracije već krasile knjižice
poznatih kolega iz branše (Suffocation ili Disgorge). Ipak, koliko god
naslovnica izgledala ubedljivo, muzika je daleko važniji parameter, i
ona u ovih 25 minuta (ne računajući bonus live materijal) nudi
beskompromisan brutal death metal na tragu mašinerija Cannibal Corpse,
Vomitory ili Dying Fetus. To podrazumeva furiozne rifove, pomahnitale
solaže i bubnjarske blastbeatove koji kreiraju surovu i svirepu
atmosferu i ne ostavljaju previše prostora za melodije i predah.
sviračkog ugla bi valjalo pomenuti pojedina zanimljiva rešenja na
gitarama i prilično siguran brutalan vokal, što je naročito pohvalno, s
obzirom na to da je to mesto često bivalo bolna karika u našem death
metalu. Glavni problem leži u krajnje sintetičkom zvuku programiranih
bubnjeva i ne baš najsretnijem balansu gitara i vokala.

na kojem bi Daggerspawn mogao da se razvija kada njegovi članovi u
dovoljno ovladaju svojim oružjima i ka kome se bojažljivo osećaju
pretenzije na ovoj ploči predstavlja znatno izazovniji (i podjednako
brutalni) technical death metal u maniru Šveđana Spawn of Possession
(koji su možda i uticali na naziv grupe) ili Poljaka Decapitated.

njihov debi će teško animirati nekoga ko se ne pronalazi u čistoj
agresiji i stilski skučenom području, i velika je mogućnost da ga šira
publika okarakteriše kao banalan i jednodimenzionalan. S druge strane,
pozitivne reakcije od fanova su gotovo zagarantovane. Kako god se uzme,
kreativni kapacitet Suffering Upon the Throne of Depravity je na sasvim
solidnom nivou, ali je u isto vreme evidentno da metalci iz prestonice
mogu još bolje.

super recenizja icon_smile.gif Hvala

DAGGER SPAWN - "Suffering Upon The Throne Of Depravity"
Full-length 2008
(during making of this review, they signed up for Severed Rec. & Butcherd Rec. Good luck brotherz!)

COVER ART for our first profesional album Suffering Upon the Throne of Depravity,done by MIGHTY ZIG!!(he did covers for suffocation)

Dagger Spawn (for the ones that read this name for the first time) is a band hailing us from Belgrade, Serbia. The band exists almost 5 years, and for now its unstoppable force! It has many live shows, and played with very well known names such as Vital Remains, Ophiolatry, Obscura etc. I should probably stop now before making a review about this band, and not a review for this album,. :) The cover artwork was made by Jon Zig, and believe me, there is no way you look into that cover and tell me that you do not like it! It consists 8 songs, with almost 25 minutes of total time of torture. The beginning, actually the intro gives you pretty good vision of what should you expect next…In the first 10 seconds you already know what you are dealing with, so you turn up your volume! :) These guyz know where they are going and believe me they know how to show you that! It's a real death metal attitude, no fancy shit, In Your Face!!! There are 2 instrumental songs (if we count the intro) and their lyrics are anti-political (the real choice!); revenge, hate, pain…Basically about everything that surrounds us! "Suffering upon the Throne of Depravity" is a solid death metal piece, lots of variety, and incorporated styles, just to keep you busy and leaving you without breath! It is a mixture between the Florida's old-school death metal with the new school of brutal technical Death metal with guttural, scream and growl vokiils! So its more like Morbid Angel Feat. Severe Torture! Moreover, some small grind touch completes the picture! Therefore, it has everything for everyone, and its worth checking out! I am sure I will hear more about Dagger Spawn in close future.

rewiew done by Vicious_Acts_Of_Humanity Zine

Recenzija iz predstojećeg broja Butcherian Vibe magazina:

Suffering upon Throne of Depravity
Brutal Death Metal

Brutalna death metal mašinerija međ' Srbima je uvek imala određen broj bendova i fanova koji su mašinu održavali podmazanom i aktivnom. Nije reč o ogromnom broju ljudi, ali oni koji su tu, shvataju i rade stvari kako treba. Daggerspawn je jedan od svetlijih primera, i u narednim redovima ćemo se pozabaviti njihovim aktuelnim albumom Suffering upon Throne of Depravity.

Koliko je ovaj žanr zatvoren, i koliko prostora ostavlja za eksperimentisanje i progresiju, zaista ne znam, i ne bih o tome. Pretpostavljam, sa tačke gledišta nekoga kome ovako nešto nije na svakodnevnim playlistama, da to i nije presudna činjenica. Reč je o brutalnosti, beskompromisnosti, brzini, i naravno, neuzimanju zarobljenika. Daggerspawn rešeta iz svih mogućih baterija, obrušavajući se na slušaoca težinom prosečnog betonskog bloka. Gitare su bez sumnje "the main guns" (mahom rifovi, mada ni solažama ne nedostaje ništa), dok vokal naravno dovršava započeto, ostavljajući vas sa jednom jedinom mišlju: "uh, šta to bi?". Precizna i usvirana ekipa čini ovaj bend, to nije teško "provaliti". Sad, što se tiče bubnja, rekao bih da je ovde reč o programiranom bubnju, što donekle umanjuje sveukupan utisak, ali nije u pitanju ništa (preterano) zabrinjavajuće.

Ako ste fan death metala, pogotovo one njegove najekstremnije forme, ovaj materijal je namenjen upravo vama, a ako ne... bežite odavde, brze-bolje.

(Nebojša Lakić)

PS:najtr00 majce se rae varikinom ;)

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 30. 03. 2009. 02:58 
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Haha vidim i Nebojsa stari lisac se upustio u diskusiju :D e to su pravi komentari ;)

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 08. 05. 2009. 11:31 
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(ne znam kako da ih stavim kao slike ovde)

[size="4"]!!! STIGLE MAJCE !!![/size]

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 19. 05. 2009. 18:38 
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saljite te majice jebem vam... :D

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 19. 05. 2009. 20:58 
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nekrodemon wrote:
saljite te majice jebem vam... :D

I ja kazem :)

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 20. 05. 2009. 21:02 
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bukvalno je jedini nacin da se naruce majce...preko lejbla tj izdavaca.

nama su poslali tih 6 i kao sad je to -TO

ako posalju jos normalno da cemo obavestiti ljude...
jbg ja bih prvi voleo da imam sta da saljem :)

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 09. 06. 2009. 02:35 
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neki lik je uradio do jaja spot za pesmu daggerspawn-a

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 11. 06. 2009. 13:04 
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Prejebeno,kanibalizam zivi :D

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 06. 12. 2009. 20:09 
novi pjevac??

 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 24. 12. 2009. 02:01 
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 Post subject: Re: DaggerSpawn BRUTALNI tehnicki DM iz SRBIJE!!
PostPosted: 29. 12. 2009. 17:27 
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e jebga...nista mi Dacha ne rece kad sam bio tamo.
znaci nista od moje majice :lol:

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