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Koji su najbolji najveći i najbesmrtniji?
Led Zeppelin 38%  38%  [ 6 ]
Deep Purple 25%  25%  [ 4 ]
Black Sabbath 25%  25%  [ 4 ]
Uriah Heep 13%  13%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 16
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 Post subject: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 04. 12. 2008. 14:32 
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Joined: 02. 12. 2008. 14:06
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Location: dark side of the moon
Po meni su ovo 4 najveća hard rock benda svih vremena.Što vi mislite?

Last edited by killing joke on 21. 01. 2009. 19:50, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 04. 12. 2008. 14:39 
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Joined: 02. 12. 2008. 14:06
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Ovaj topic san otvorija jer se ne slažem s vašim izborom 16 najbolji hard rock bendova.
Nema Sabbatha , a Zeppelini izgube od Rainbowa ma daj.E i kakav je to sustav ispadanja pa nije rock liga prvaka(vidin bilo je i penala :shock: ).

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 04. 12. 2008. 17:33 

Joined: 03. 12. 2008. 13:04
Posts: 50
Led Zeppelin moj glas, ostala trojka su isto besmrtni ali Led Zeppelini su za nijansu bolji,baš bi ih i ja ovako složia po redu koji su bolji od koga

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 08. 12. 2008. 21:46 
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Joined: 20. 10. 2008. 20:17
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teze nisi mogao stavit majkem'...heh

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 14. 02. 2009. 21:15 
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Joined: 20. 07. 2008. 18:34
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Sabbath nema nikakve veze sa hard rockom.Prvi metal band,po strukturama i tekstovima svjetlosnim miljama ispred gore nabrojanih...

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 15. 02. 2009. 15:11 
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Joined: 02. 12. 2008. 14:06
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Pathologist wrote:
Sabbath nema nikakve veze sa hard rockom.Prvi metal band,po strukturama i tekstovima svjetlosnim miljama ispred gore nabrojanih...

ako ti tako kažeš

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 15. 02. 2009. 15:15 
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Joined: 24. 11. 2006. 19:20
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tema ti je glupa ko kurac...cuj ne svidja ti se sto je nekom rainbow ispred zeppalina, pa napravio novu i stavio samo 4 benda koja su po njemu...nula za objektivnost.

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 15. 02. 2009. 15:19 
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nekrodemon wrote:
tema ti je glupa ko kurac...cuj ne svidja ti se sto je nekom rainbow ispred zeppalina, pa napravio novu i stavio samo 4 benda koja su po njemu...nula za objektivnost.

rainbow nikad nisu ni bili isprid zeppelina , taj bend se ne može ni miriti sa veličinom koju su imali zeppelini

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 15. 02. 2009. 15:20 
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Joined: 02. 12. 2008. 14:06
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Pathologist wrote:
Sabbath nema nikakve veze sa hard rockom.Prvi metal band,po strukturama i tekstovima svjetlosnim miljama ispred gore nabrojanih...

Korijeni heavy metala (a time i svih ostalih podvrsta metala) leže u rock i hard rock sastavima koji su krajem 1960-ih i početkom 1970-ih za svoje glazbene teme izabrali crnu magiju i mistiku, svirali progresivni blues,sa teškim rock gitarama poput Black Sabbatha

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 16. 02. 2009. 00:53 
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Joined: 07. 02. 2009. 12:50
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Deed Purple imaju rock hit svih vremena

Smoke On The Wather

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 22. 02. 2009. 23:18 
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Joined: 12. 05. 2008. 21:18
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glupa tema, da moram birati, parpl!

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah Hee
PostPosted: 19. 04. 2009. 16:52 
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Joined: 19. 04. 2009. 15:36
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Uriah Heep, radi pjesme Lady in Black
A i niko nije glaso za Uriah.Nisu zasluzili da budu bez glasa

 Post subject: Re: Led Zeppelin vs. Deep Purple vs. Black Sabbath vs. Uriah
PostPosted: 27. 09. 2018. 00:09 
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ShadowLord odlučio:
Deep Purple

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