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Black Death

PostPosted: 03. 08. 2008. 07:49
by kktz

You have to be really blind or stupid, not to say prejudice, to place this album in the Soul/Funk/Disco-section in a record store, but apparently this has happened on a few occasions I've been told. If some numbbrained fan of said crap actually bought the record on those premises the story doesn't tell, but if it ever happened I'd give an arm for getting to see the look on the musically impaired retard's face when the first monstrous chords of "Night of the living death" hit his greasy head, not to mention what the opening lines by vocalist GOD Siki Spacek would do to the poor soul. "OK ALL YOU HEADBANGERS OUT THERE, LET'S SEE YOU GET ABOVE YOUR SEATS! LOCK YOUR DOORS AND KEEP YOUR PARENTS OUT AND TURN YOUR MUSIC UP LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUD!!!!". There should be a law that every Metal album released have to open with those words. No doubt would it prevent disasters like Stratovarius or Rhapsody from ever happening. Let's ignore the fact that they were the heaviest all-African-American band ever and just state the fact that this album could easily rate as one of the heaviest US Metal albums ever. The 2 main factors: Fuckin' stompin' godzilla-heavy guitars and the meanest, most freaked-out and intense vocals in Metal history. Spacek is the fucking James Brown of Metal! (yeah, that's a good review). No-one could spew forth the "yeah!"s and "c'mon!"s like this guy could. Think Halford, Gene Simmons and Cronos rolled into one and you're half way there. This guy had a "death-grunt" that made Tom Warrior sound like Tori Amos on valium and I hope he made a career in sales, religion or politics after this, coz this is clearly a Man With A MISSION!
For a good musical reference, take JUDAS PRIEST's "Killing Machine", add some VENOM-dirt and tune it all the way down to PENTAGRAM-heaviness on songs like "Night of the living death", "Fear No Evil" and the 9 minute bulldozer "Black Death". Then there's the furious, galloping Power Metal-tornado of "The scream of the Iron Messiah", their absolute highlight, a song that 20 years after it's release has become something of an underground classic. No mix-tape/cdr will be complete without this facepounding monster. The epic opening 2 minutes to "Streetwalker" is really impressive as well. I used to be quite let down by the way song then turned into a more generic hardrocker, but it has grown on me with every listening. "Here comes the wrecking crew" is their most classic and upbeat rocker, but it's still heavy as lead, kinda like MOTÖRHEAD at half speed. Finally on "Retribution" they return to the kind of galloping Power Metal they displayed on "The Scream.." but with a slightly more restrained (well, relatively..) and epic feel not too far away from early MANOWAR.

While we're on the BLACK DEATH subject I might as well mention they had 2 exclusive songs on the "Cleveland Metal" compilation from 1983, an essential disc for many other reasons (MISTREATER, JAGGED EDGE, BREAKER etc..). Both the Power Metallic "Taken By Force" and the more melodic "Until We Rock" are of a similar quality to the LP/7" material, but perhaps not quite as heavy and wild in the vocal department.

As far as I know, this LP and 7" came as a set and were never meant to be sold separately, but nowadays you seldom see the 2 vinyls together, if at all. The demand for this album has increased the last couple of years and from having turned up every now and then on fairs and lists, it has suddenly gone very scarce, so the time for a reissue is ripe. Now that Black Widow Records has had the good taste to re-release the mighty RIPPER, why not take on this monster next? - BLACK DEATH

Black Death - s/t - 1984 -

zajeban bend, strasan vokal, neponovljiv, i neke stvari koje bi definitivno trebali biti klasici heavy metala, barem onog underground, heh.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 03. 08. 2008. 21:33
by lord krvolok
uh nekad davno sam ja naletio na njih,al nisam imo vremena da poslusam!!al evo napokon da cujem dobar evil heavy fucking metal,ono bez tehnikalija i zajebancija,nego samo METAL...

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 03. 08. 2008. 21:51
by Moondust

nisam skino ali imam namjeru ALI... file je jebenih 66.6 MB tezak (666 SATAN GRIM TR00 METAL) LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

PS zajebancija, ozbiljan koment stize poslje download

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 03. 08. 2008. 21:54
by artredis
Joj vokal je najjači majke mi. Dosta meni simpatično zvuče pa makar bilo malo prljavo :D , ali osjeti se da ovo ima duše što jest jest.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 03. 08. 2008. 23:24
by kktz
pa da, vokal je vrh, a i znaju u nekim stvarima da muzicki bas gaze, produkcija je vise onako underground al zapravo daje jos vise tog duha, steta sto nisu nastavili, bio je to opasan bend.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 04. 08. 2008. 00:46
by Moondust
sjooooooooooj pa sad vidjeh da je bubnjar preminuo ove godine, stetaaaa
ma i steta sto nisu nastavili
poslusah i vokal je bas ono mooooooooooooooc
dobar band dobaaaar

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 04. 08. 2008. 01:55
by ~°~
kktz, TI SI MOC!, covjece... Svaka cast za ovaj link, ovo je jebeno, bas, bas jebeno!!! I kazu, nije Amerika imala mocan heavy, nije kitu... Neki Motorhead smek na nekoliko pjesama, mnogo raskosniji u heavy folu, sabatovska, pa cak i hendriks produkcija. Himnicno, mocno, PRAVE JEBENE PJESME, sve... Ovakvu albumcinu moze slusati opseg raje od obozavalaca hard rocka do brutalnog tehnikal metala, ako imalo vole mjuzu zbog iste. A vokal, h mmmm... Ako nije u tri najbolja heavy vokala ikad, ja pojma nemam.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 04. 08. 2008. 13:12
~°~ wrote:
kktz, TI SI MOC!, covjece... Svaka cast za ovaj link, ovo je jebeno, bas, bas jebeno!!! I kazu, nije Amerika imala mocan heavy, nije kitu... Neki Motorhead smek na nekoliko pjesama, mnogo raskosniji u heavy folu, sabatovska, pa cak i hendriks produkcija. Himnicno, mocno, PRAVE JEBENE PJESME, sve... Ovakvu albumcinu moze slusati opseg raje od obozavalaca hard rocka do brutalnog tehnikal metala, ako imalo vole mjuzu zbog iste. A vokal, h mmmm... Ako nije u tri najbolja heavy vokala ikad, ja pojma nemam.


Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 04. 08. 2008. 17:57
by kktz
ma da, ja naletio prvo na njihov myspace, i prvo me naravno zainteresiralo to sto su afroameri, ipak je tako nesto rijetko u metalu, plus uvijek imam taj plus za izvorne autsajdere svake vrste, heh, al kad sam cuo mjuzu sjeo na dupe. sve smo rekli ;)

ps - mislim da slucaj crnaca u metalu dokazuje premoc kvalitete nad kvantitetom, tjst nema ih puno al kad ga se uhvate e onda je to nesto, heh.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 04. 08. 2008. 19:02
by kktz
da, pa i MYSTIFIER koji meni super lezi. mada je ovo jedini skroz crnacki metal bend koji znam (u zacecima HC-a su to bili BAD BRAINS, a i jedan od prvih americkih punk rock bendova su bili crnci PURE HELL). Vidi se da je od njih poteko r'n'r, pa napokon i sam Hendrix. steta sto danas vise bas ne sviraju elektricnu gitaru. evo jedan related bend - - IRON MAN, ime sve govori, "Blacker than Black Sabbath" :mrgreen:

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 07. 08. 2008. 06:55
by Maja
hvala kktz, bas sam nesto ovako trazila.
Moracu i ja pocet rovarit po MSu; Night of The Living Dead prva liga

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 07. 08. 2008. 09:04
by Shiteater black
baš slušam, odlična stvar jebote... vokal mi je zakon, svirka isto a i zvuk baš kako mi odgovara :D

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 08. 08. 2008. 18:08
by kktz
nema frke ljudi, zna taj MS stvarno bit koristan.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 06. 09. 2008. 23:32
by .::Grind Bastard::.
koji Suffocation. onaj drugi s lijeva isti Hobbs alla'am' :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 07. 09. 2008. 23:12
by Striker
jest fakat :D
pljunut Hobbs
nego dobro ovo praaavooooo
bash sam se iznenadio
da je novija produkcija ne bi valjalo..old school do jaja

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 06. 12. 2008. 16:20
by furija
Ovo je premoćno, sve mi se više i više sviđa!

Evo ga ćera The Scream Of The Iron Messiah, kako dobro!!

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 06. 12. 2008. 16:28
by Fakin
OVI SU ZA CHOMIJA :D:D:D :twisted:

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 12. 12. 2008. 05:19
by Nameless
Koje sranje, Siddharta je bolja od ovog, de nemojte jebat.

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 12. 12. 2008. 17:03
by _MisericorD_
meni ovi likovi - od prvog do posljednjeg lice na Mr.T-ja

Re: Black Death

PostPosted: 27. 07. 2011. 12:18
by furija
Joj ovo je zlo, kakav bend... Ne prestajem slušat'.