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 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 04. 02. 2013. 19:27 
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Joined: 19. 10. 2006. 02:58
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sto su se svi na planetside 2 zaletili, ne moze meni jebem ti krntiju :cry:

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 04. 02. 2013. 20:41 
Azrael661 wrote:
sto su se svi na planetside 2 zaletili, ne moze meni jebem ti krntiju :cry:

djeluje mi pravo dobro ali i komplikovano, ne znam bil je skinuo da probam :D

uglavnom, sto se racunara tice, preko godinu dana sam bio onesposobljen, nikakve igrice, nista, laptop iz 2000. gurao, igrao half life keca :D

sad imam ovo nesto malo novije, do juce sam igrao Star Wars: The Old Republic, free to play naravno, i zvanično odustao kad sam dogurao do lvl 22. Free to play je najvece sranje ikad izmisljeno. ograničen gameplay, low exp rate, cijene za iteme povećane i item equipment restriction. ne možeš nositi heroic iteme osim ako nisi subscriber ili ako kupis cartel points i kupis sebi free to play dodatke. još jedan glup primjer - subscriberi mogu koristiti mountove od lvl 15, a f2p igrači od lvl 25 tek i to za 35k creditsa naravno. inače, ko god je subscriber, uživa u presavršenoj igri - bukvalno online verzija kotora, skillovi odlični, kvestovi odlični, story prejaka, klase odlične, instance, itd itd. najbolji mmo do sad na mojoj listi, a igrao sam ih dosta. međutim, ja nisam jedan od tih koji mjesečno izdvaja par dolara za igricu, tako da ništa.

trenutno kod mene DmC, i Darksiders I i II da i to probam. DmC za sad pojede! tražim nešto baš epskih razmjera da počnem igrati, da ima priču da valja, da me baš sjebe :D ako ima ko kakvih preporuka, nek lijepi vamo :D

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 04. 02. 2013. 21:20 
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ma pucacina obicna, samo se treba drzati svoje uloge, ne trositi poene na gluposti, malo sam kod frenda igro, klasicni upad sacmom mi najbolje lezi :mrgreen: , quake 3 i half life skola, ostalo je sve sa cod-a i battlefielda preslo pa preferiraju neko sigurnije igranje

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 01. 04. 2013. 00:44 
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Ukrug ide Showdown Effect (super zabavno za trash ljubitelje), Organ Trail (to je zombie sinulator) i mezim Max Paynea trojku nivo po nivo mjesecima, namjerno rastežem :D

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 03. 04. 2013. 16:35 
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samo arma 2 (sve zivo), dayz i l4d2. u zadnje vrijeme kupio i gta complete pa se igra i gta4 ponovo.

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 04. 04. 2013. 00:22 
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Koliko si platio taj GTA complete?

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 05. 04. 2013. 14:58 
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Joined: 17. 03. 2005. 15:28
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bilo snizenje 75%, 7,5 eura svih 7 gta igara (I, II, III, vice city, san andreas, IV, eflc). inace je oko 30 eura.
bude cesto, ne treba se zalijetat.

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 08. 04. 2013. 01:04 
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O bože, sretan si! Je li imaš link neki ili nešto (ako si preko net-a kupio)?

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 12. 04. 2013. 14:34 
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ma samo steam ja ganjam. nema dvd-ova, nema zajebancija, izgrebanih cd-ova, i slicnih sranja.

svaki dan imaju neka snizenja. cekaj dok ne izleti. il ako imas, kupi odma za 30 eura:

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 14. 04. 2013. 12:44 
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Hvala puno! :D

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 26. 04. 2013. 16:44 
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arma 3, najbolja igra za pc ikad meni. vise od igre, savrsena military simulacija. hvala saranu na alpha lite verziji, da okusim ovu ljepotu dok ne kupim full igru.

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 03. 05. 2013. 02:32 

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 03. 05. 2013. 16:44 
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Joined: 30. 03. 2005. 01:20
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Jel ko od vas madafakera igro ovo ludilo,

The concept for Retro City Rampage originally came from a homebrew project that began in 2002. In his spare time, game programmer Brian Provinciano constructed his own Nintendo Entertainment System development kit and set about remaking one of his favourite titles, Grand Theft Auto III, with 8-bit sprite graphics, under the codename of Grand Theftendo. At the 2011 Game Developers Conference, he revealed his methods, showing how, over several years, he built advanced software tools to help him overcome the limitations of Nintendo Entertainment System hardware, before eventually shifting development to the PC.[4]
At one point in the process, he started to add characters and locations from other games he enjoyed from his childhood. This ultimately inspired him to work on the project full-time, but instead of using scenarios from GTA III, he decided to create an entirely new game with original content in 2007, which would be released as a downloadable title for consoles. He used a real-time map editor to adjust and debug on the fly, and also integrated several suggestions from playtesters.
For most of the project, he had worked completely independently on the design, coding and art. Later in development, he hired a pixel artist to assist with the visual design of the game and went through revisions. He also brought in three renowned videogame composers, Leonard "FreakyDNA" Paul, Jake "Virt" Kaufman and Matt "Norrin Radd" Creamer, to create chiptune songs for the game's soundtrack. Provinciano stated that the game contains roughly two and a half hours of chiptune music. On February 22, 2012, the Retro City Rampage soundtrack was released on Bandcamp.[5]
The game pays tribute to many titles through its storytelling, levels and character abilities, such as Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, Contra and Bionic Commando, among others. The game also pays tribute to "cheesy" one-liners, television shows and pop culture, as well as cameos including Phil Fish (creator of Fez), Billy Campbell, and Phil Guerrero (of YTV fame). Provinciano later altered the parodied images to avoid copyright issues and obtained permission to use the likenesses of the aforementioned cameos.


 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 15. 05. 2013. 20:35 
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igra li ove dvi iko, za postapokalipticne freakove :mrgreen:



piči novi na high i 1900x1080 i dx 11(nema dx 9) dosta fino. na manjim rezolucijama koje sam probavo i na very high. Igra po defaultu koristi ukljucen AAA na svim detaljima sto je downside pogotovo za one kome ni prvi nije radio dobro s tim i ima dodatnu opcciju za SSAA koji je spoooooooooooooooor šta oni misli koliko ljudi ce vidit ovu igru na bas sve maxed out pa treba ti min kako su stavili nvidia 680 XD

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 18. 05. 2013. 18:51 
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nisam jos novi, cekam snizenja... ne igram vise piraterije, samo steam :D
kec je dosta bio dobar, ja bi mu dao 9/10. al da ima vise malo slobode u igranju, ne mora bas ko fallout, al bar ko stalker il borderlands. bilo bi 100/100.

kad smo kod igara, danas lego (na snizenju, za cenera) duke nukem 3d megaton edition :D
najkompletnija verzija najmocnije fps igre :D

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 18. 05. 2013. 23:46 
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imam i ja nekih igara kupljenih preko steama, veljda ne sere nesto sto igram ove crackirane sa onim steam.dll, kupovat ce se novi company of heroes. Novi je isto premocan, manje ima horror atmosfere od keca ili sam se ja previse naviko, jos dead space keca igram XD

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 31. 05. 2013. 19:04 
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samo payday: the heist :D
pljackanje banki, dijamanata i oslobadjanje zatvorenika i sve moguce kriminalne radnje, taoci, nemilorsdno ubijanje drotova i specijalaca i koga hoces... :D
u co-op fazonu, 4 ljudi (ti i jos troje, ne valja singleplayer, ovi tvoji glupi ko klinac, samo te prate, ovako kad igras s jos trojicom havera je beton, pa raspodijelite ko ce sta radit). nema dalje fakat. reservoir dogs 1/1 :D i to u fps :D






 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 03. 06. 2013. 19:43 
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preporuka za svakog ljubitelja gta igara.
APB Reloaded. igra je besplatna na steam-u.
al samo multiplayer. biras stranu ovih razbojnika sto zavode red ili razbojnika anarhista sto razjebavaju sve zivo u gradu. prilicno velika open world igra, mozes nasumicno ubijat i zajebavat se, a mozes se i prikljucit misijama s ostalim igracima. ima i deathmatch fazona i svega.
napravis svog lika i picis...




 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 03. 06. 2013. 20:57 
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kolika je instalacija, izgleda zanimljivo :D

 Post subject: Re: Igre
PostPosted: 05. 06. 2013. 14:24 
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dalo bi se probat :D

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