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PostPosted: 04. 12. 2006. 03:54 
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Joined: 02. 09. 2003. 17:08
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i assure you, there is no connection between D.G. and Antaeus whatsofuckingever...except maybe in the head of one Herve that goes by the name MkM

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PostPosted: 05. 12. 2006. 09:17 
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Joined: 23. 12. 2003. 22:36
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e svakakvi ljudi danas zaradjuju na muzici :shock:

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PostPosted: 26. 12. 2006. 16:42 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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duboki repekt za nju, iako mi muzicki toliko ne pase, bas ne volim tu vrstu jazzy sounda. priznali il ne, za nju su mnogi metalci, goticari i pankeri, djeca iz vrtica, heh. steta sto nema vise ovakvih muzicara, koji imaju svoje ja.

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PostPosted: 15. 01. 2007. 19:30 
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Joined: 14. 09. 2006. 18:43
Posts: 196
Danas sam procitala nesto i sokirala se.
Valjda ce Cradle of Filth surađivati sa D. Galas na novom albumu...

what the hell... :?

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PostPosted: 16. 01. 2007. 01:38 
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Joined: 16. 10. 2006. 13:06
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hah ha, nemam komentara.

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PostPosted: 16. 01. 2007. 14:32 
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Joined: 14. 09. 2006. 18:43
Posts: 196
svugdje se pomalo nakupi, npr. isjecak iz intervjua sa

Is there anybody else that would suit Cradle Of Filth? Dani Filth names one extraordinary female vocalist.

“We would like to work with Diamanda Galas. I don’t know to what extent she is working now, though. I was about to work with her at one point but then she got sick. That would be great, that would be the ultimate. Then, maybe John Williams. Improbable people who everyone would like to work with, people you know you’ll never have on your albums.”

...planirate li kakvu slicnu suradnju za buduce albume?

Dani: "Trenutno ne. Ranije smo razmisljali da bi surađivali s Diamandom Galas. Jos uvijek o tome razmisljamo. Kad smo ranije htjeli realizirati te planove, ona se razboljela (Diamanda Galas ima Hepatitis C, koji je s vremena na vrijeme prikuje za postelju op.a.).
Te suradnje se jos uvijek nismo odrekli jer nam se sama ideja o suradnji jos uvijek sviđa."

oh brother... :?

 Post subject: Re: you must be certain of the devil.
PostPosted: 22. 09. 2009. 14:16 
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16.10. diamandica uiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiui

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