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 Post subject: Twisted Tower Dire
PostPosted: 04. 01. 2005. 21:03 
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Joined: 30. 01. 2004. 15:10
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Pa ima vise od jedno pola godine kako pokusavam da nadjem nesto od TTD-a al nikako nije islo do prije nekih 15-tak dana kada se na mojim vratima ukazo ciko iz poste i reko kako je doso da mi uvede adsl :D sat vremena i 17 minuta nakon toga, vec sam imo jedan album na svom disku :D

Ljudi sviraju onaj tradicionalni americki power/heavy po uzoru na bendove iz 80-ih :D vec samo od sebe zvuci primamljivo ?! :roll: ma tako i jest, bend je zakon stvarno, iako nisu previse poznati pa ih cak trpaju i u underground al to je valjda zbog nepopularnosti muzike koju sviraju s obzirom da su 80-te davno zavrsile :wink: Ma kako god....uglavnom, imaju 3 albuma:

The Curse of Twisted Tower Dire
The Isle of Hydra
Crest of the Martyrs

i cetvrti na putu :wink:

Imam 2. i 3. i oba albuma su pravo dobra, a po nekim komentarima novi bi trebo da bude jos i et zivi bili..... :D

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PostPosted: 04. 01. 2005. 21:12 

Joined: 26. 07. 2004. 12:54
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to be a champion.. hehe

dobar bend, ocekivo sam da su malo ostriji i zesci (tradicionalniji) po prici nekih ljudi, al nije ni da sam razocaran

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PostPosted: 05. 01. 2005. 16:05 
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imam prva dva i nisu me nesto odusevili

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PostPosted: 26. 04. 2005. 20:06 
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Joj ljudi stvarno ne mogu da vjerujem da ovo slabo ko slusa, a tolko ljubitelja maidena i ovih heavy powerasa na forumu :? Old skul metal u najboljem svjetlu, a vi sad kako hocete...

Kako god, novi album pod nazivom "Netherworlds" bi uskoro trebo izaci pa evo i spisak pjesama:

1. Starshine
2. Netherworlds
3. Fortress
4. Casualty of Cruel Times
5. Tales of Submission
6. The Killing Kind
7. Dire Wolf
8. No One Left to Blame
9. Firebird

The bonus tracks will be "Crionics" (Slayer) for the digipack version and "Stand Up and Shout" (Dio) for the Japanese version.

Ako koga interesuje ovdje moze naci 2 pjesme sa zadnjeg albuma i 2 clipa s ovog novog:

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PostPosted: 27. 04. 2005. 01:00 

Joined: 26. 07. 2004. 12:54
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e svaka im cast za Crionics, so un-trendy... sacu ih gotivit jos vise :P

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PostPosted: 27. 04. 2005. 01:22 
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khasma wrote:
e svaka im cast za Crionics, so un-trendy... sacu ih gotivit jos vise :P

Hahahaha, ma i ocekivo sam to :D

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PostPosted: 27. 04. 2005. 13:38 
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Elektron wrote:
Joj ljudi stvarno ne mogu da vjerujem da ovo slabo ko slusa, a tolko ljubitelja maidena i ovih heavy powerasa na forumu :? Old skul metal u najboljem svjetlu, a vi sad kako hocete...

sha s' palis covjek? :P eto ja ima da ih cujem kad mi onaj cd padne saka :)

a ti clipovi i full pjesme...ehmm brate kraj mjeseca jasno ti je :oops: :D

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PostPosted: 05. 07. 2005. 13:30 
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Znam da malo kasnim s komentarima no evo.. :) TTD, fakat odlican bend, nisu prezestoki al uskladjeni. Pogotovo me vuce onaj heavy prizvuk, jbg, sjelo mi je odmah. Eto 'lektrone, kad bi jos taj zadnji... :)

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PostPosted: 06. 07. 2005. 00:08 
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Odlican bend, skimuo sam samo pol albuma "Isle Of Hydra", al meni su vise heavy nego power :?.

Sixth Demon wrote:
imam prva dva i nisu me nesto odusevili

Nabavi zadnja 2 :D

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PostPosted: 21. 11. 2006. 21:27 
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Hail Twisted Tower Dire fans! 2006 has been a crazy year for the band. TTD vocalist of 9 years Tony Taylor has officially left the band and is now singing for German metal band Custard. He is still like a brother and TTD wishes him all the best. TTD has officially welcomed Viper vocalist Johnny Aune into TTD and they’ve have been playing a great strain of shows with him. Johnny’s joining TTD has reenergized the band and they look forward to taking the new version of the band all over to show off the new line-up.

Finally TTD is back to running at full steam again (after a nearly 2 year lull) with upcoming shows abroad and in Europe in 2007. They are very excited to reunite with old friends in Germany AND meet new ones in Greece ! In the band’s down time they are working hard at writing material for their 5th album much of which has already been written and demoed by Scott Waldrop. Albeit fans haven’t yet had the chance to absorb TTD’s progression through “Netherworlds”, the material they’re currently constructing is pushing the band further towards catchy Thin Lizzy, UFO, B.O.C., NWOBHM anthems without cutting their strong 80’s cult metal roots.

New album “Netherworlds” album out February 23 on Remedy Records Hail Twisted Tower Dire fans! 2006 has been a crazy year for the band. TTD vocalist of 9 years Tony Taylor has officially left the band and is now singing for German metal band Custard. He is still like a brother and TTD wishes him all the best. TTD has officially welcomed Viper vocalist Johnny Aune into TTD and they’ve have been playing a great strain of shows with him. Johnny’s joining TTD has reenergized the band and they look forward to taking the new version of the band all over to show off the new line-up.

Finally TTD is back to running at full steam again (after a nearly 2 year lull) with upcoming shows abroad and in Europe in 2007. They are very excited to reunite with old friends in Germany AND meet new ones in Greece ! In the band’s down time they are working hard at writing material for their 5th album much of which has already been written and demoed by Scott Waldrop. Albeit fans haven’t yet had the chance to absorb TTD’s progression through “Netherworlds”, the material they’re currently constructing is pushing the band further towards catchy Thin Lizzy, UFO, B.O.C., NWOBHM anthems without cutting their strong 80’s cult metal roots.

New album “Netherworlds” album out February 23 on Remedy Records

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PostPosted: 13. 02. 2007. 13:24 
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Uh moram reci da sam blago razocaran :? i dalje je to standardni TTD, ali mi nije na nivou prethodna 2 albuma...mozda je problem do produkcije jer mi se cini da pjesmama nista ne fali, ali su mi nesto vokali cudno izmiksani... Ne znam, iskreno se nadam da ga ipak svarim na kraju..

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PostPosted: 14. 02. 2007. 21:17 
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bemmu, ovo prilično dobro! (skinuh one 2 pjesme što su stavljene na download)

nek neko uploada koji albumčić ak mu nije teško :wink:

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PostPosted: 15. 02. 2007. 10:33 
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The Isle Of Hydra..






I don't get the hype though.. okejs bend tehnicki, no ubi ih to sto su im tekstovi sasvim razumljivi, a u mom slucaju im to nije plus s obzirom da forsiraju 'axes, glory, honour' i slicne heavy metal anthem crap sto ne podnosim dva posto u ovom zanru.. dzaba im sve tehnicko predznanje i zanimljive strukture pjesama preklopljene odlicnim solama kad ja ne mogu iskljuciti gore navedeni faktor osim u par izoliranih slucajeva, premda ostaje da se cuje jos zadnji album..
Dakle, ako je neki heavy, heavy/power ili whatever, obavezno nadasve kvalitetan vokal + smisleni tekstovi..
TTD, is not..
No, kome se svidja zanr, slicni uratci ili tko moze zanemariti tih par sitnica, vjerujem da bi mu svidio bend..

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PostPosted: 15. 02. 2007. 11:07 
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Angel Of Death wrote:
bemmu, ovo prilièno dobro! (skinuh one 2 pjesme što su stavljene na download)

The Isle of Hydra i Crest of the Martyrs su po meni najbolji albumi i gledaj da to nabavis :)

A ok archie, kontam ja tebe..nisam ni ja bas prevelik ljubitelj te vrste tekstova, ali mi u ovom slucaju ne smeta uopste :) dobrih melodija i riffova na sve strane, solidni vokali, pamtljive pjesme...drugim rijecima klasicni heavy/power iz '80-ih..ovaj pardon iz 2000-ih :P i koga zaboli za tekstove...uzmes sjekiru i u boj s pjesmom :twisted: :lol: ma nije, ne znam...meni odlican bend i ne shvatam ih uopste ko neki bend ala Manowar il nesto slicno..

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PostPosted: 15. 02. 2007. 11:18 
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Ma znam ja da tebi ne smeta, to vec rece.. :p tebi je nek samo terciraju i iskljucis se iz ostalog.. :p al, smeta meni.. pretipicno nekako za ovaj zanr.. da im je malcice taj segment dici na visi nivo, vokalna izvedba, tekstovi i strukturu pjesama bili bi jako dobar bend, meni..

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